Islam150 Videos


BRexit and IRexit Will Happen Because the EU is collapsing – Time for Plan B!

After the Bavarian elections and recent BRexit negotiations it is clear the EU is disingenuous and only interested in its imperialist hegemony. Europeans are waking up to this fact and that combined with the unsustainable debt being created, means EU will crash, setting European Nation States free. [embed][/embed] Many EU nations are waking up to the totalitarian threat that the European Union presents, yet Ireland seems to be insisting on blindly going against the populist trend and doubling down on its own destruction and dependence on EU and its Oligarchs, for the price of a bowl of lentil soup. Not having learnt from our harsh history, Ireland looks dead set on repeating the famine years where indigenous families and small businesses (tenant farmers) are totally destroyed and pushed out of their own homes, farm, and country to be replaced by invaders... Why do the Irish feel so guilty about their own existence even though they never

Must Watch! How and Why Muslim Rape Gangs and ISIS Succeed and Flourish in The West!

Must Watch! What Tommy Warned Us About: How and Why Muslim Rape Gangs and ISIS Succeed and Flourish in The West How Deliberate and Planned Bribery from Muslim gangs leads to Exploitation which leads to Blackmail which leads to sex slavery and how fear of "racism" is used as cover and hide it all. An entire generation destroyed because of one weaponised word...   Fear of allegations of racism conquered an entire continent! Rape is not a crime in Islam and Corruption is not a crime to Africans... Islam has conquered MANY countries through rape and forced inbreeding... for centuries. The West is not only ripe for the taking but apparently willing to be assimilated into a violent culture and they are being egged on by islamo-globalist oligarchs for selfish profits... The Military Industrial Complex for instance which needs more places to bomb for more profit... which justifies the invasion of the West by so called refugees which are ac

Alastriona Interviews Paul Golding from Britain First on his Visit To Northern Ireland

During an interview on Irish News Radio at 8PM Alastriona Nic Arcail talks to Paul about his trip to NI and discusses similarities patriots have in UK, NI and The Republic. Contrary to rumours he is not anti Irish... [embed][/embed] Tune in every week night to hear Alastriona Nic Arcail's Banríon Show where she says it like it is, on Irish News Radio at 8PM Links to listen on mobile: Android:;stream.mp3 BlackBerry:;stream.mp3 Iphone: Or tune in on (Player top right). In order to remain fully independent and not compromised or subservient to globalist advertisers or special interests, relies on our readers, listeners and viewers for funding and support and we thank you for your patronage and patriotism. Please do consider making a donation, once off or regularly per month via:

Koran says Muslims Should Convert to Christianity and Jesus is a Greater Prophet Than Mohammed

The Koran says Muslims should convert to Christianity and that Jesus is a Greater Prophet Than Mohammed. [embed][/embed] An ex Muslim pastor from Spain explains how the Koran instructed him and all others to convert to Christianity. How Jesus is mentioned more times in the Koran than Mohammed and that Mary is the only women mentioned n the Koran... No doubt this well informed preacher will become a target of Islam and have a Fatwa against him from the "Religion of Peace"...

Christian Iranian Exiled in UK on BRexit, Islam, EU, UN Migration Pact and Globalism

Left Wing Traitors and Muslim Apologists Who Claim To "Know" Islam yet Ignore The Union Jack flying on top of Parliament, a magnificent building with rules, regulations order and history, albeit with idiots inside, cannot explain why do we need another parliament in Brussels? Europe has been united long before the European Union and the claim that EU has stopped world war is a lie - technology, communication and internet is the reason there have been no more wars... NATO might also have been the actual deterrent. However. globalist pro EU apologists make up their own history... [embed][/embed] "Elvis" who grew up with the Muslims in Iran, knows how they think and knows that they lie and bullsh*t and take chances claiming everything and anything without justification or proof. There is only one version of Islam, not moderates or extremists, just ignorants and apologists because Islam says "we smile in the face of kaffars while in our hea

VIDEO: #TakeTheKneeForIslam “We Muslims are the New Black People of America!” – Blacks Get Brainwashed Into Attacking Whites for Islam’s Jihad!

BLM is currently more popular than both the Republican and Democrat Party in America! So who is paying for and stoking the race war? It is clear to even the most cucked or uninterested observer, that something is going on. Over the last few years "anti-racism" has become so militant and aggressive, that it is now the epitome of structural and systemic racism itself! Yet still it is pushed further and further, and now CAIR comes out openly admitting they have hijacked the Black Lives Matter movement! We already know Muslim Brotherhood in Europe has been heavily funding the "anti-racism" movement and antifa.
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