Trump84 Videos


Traitorous Obama Rushes Through Migrant Arrivals ahead of Trump Inauguration

In the first 84 days of the 2017 fiscal year (October 1, 2016 – December 23, 2016), the Obama administration has accepted 25,584 refugees into the United States, according to data provided by the State Department. Per Breitbart, compared to the same period in FY2016, that represents an 86% increase year-over-year. And while we were […]

Will Trump’s visit to Poland split EU in two? 400 Year Old Eastern European Union (Intermarium) versus 40 Year Old Western European Union

European Union (EU) might have pushed things too far this time as officials are worried U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s visit to Poland will bolster the patriotic government there, encouraging their defiance of the EU, and damage “European unity (supremacy)”. Before heading to the G20 meeting Friday and Saturday, Trump will travel to Warsaw, Poland, […]

Italy Votes NO to EU Supremacy! Austria sadly falls to Mass Media & Establishment Brainwashing, Blackmail & Fake News

Italy has voted NO to EU Supremacy! Austria however has fallen to Mass Media & Establishment Brainwashing, Blackmail, Fake News and Russo Phobia. Italy’s PM Renzi has ceded defeat, and plans to resign after a decisive ‘No’ vote in the constitutional referendum. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi says he takes full responsibility for the crashing […]

Warmonger Obama’s Last Stand: non existent “election hacking by Russia” used to expel 35 Russian officials from US

Warmonger Obama has had his second “WMD” moment (after chemical weapons in Syria) with non existent “election hacking by Russia” which he has used as an excuse to expel 35 Russian officials from US soil. Needles to say his obedient mass media comrades are on board manufacturing consent. Thirty-five Russian diplomats have been expelled from […]

Here is Why Trump Won! Liberal Mass Media Enable Violent Voter Intimidation and Must Be Held Accountable!

Why Trump Won! Liberal Mass Media Enable Violent Voter Intimidation To USA. MSM must be held accountable for weaponizing, enabling and glorifying Political Correctness! “You Voted Trump? Kill!” The mass media are enablers and incite this kind of behaviour by their promotion of overt political correctness and castigation of Patriots. Man kicked in head, has car […]
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