Trump84 Videos


Between The Upcoming Lisbon Treaty and The Hidden Hand Of Islam, Ireland Really is No More!

Allastriona welcomes Eileen back on the show with her cutting analysis of the treacherous elites, to discuss the Lisbon Treaty which comes into effect next year, effectively turning Ireland and UK into mere provinces of an EU superstate. We are being subjected to a spiritual war because the powers that be already own everything physical and totally control it, but it is not enough, they want our hearts and minds too and total subservience - they want to be gods. Google the "throne in Vatican hall"...(see below for a picture) [embed][embed] The traitor Pope claims we all worship the same God but thereby he is eliminating the Son of God. He is eliminating Jesus Christ, something Jews have always wanted... He called for a One World Religion too. The arrest of Julian Assange of Wikileaks puts a sombre note on events. It also once again raises questions as to whose side Trump is really on... - How Deep Does it Run? When you

#PatriotSpring – Geert Wilders exposes Fascist Left BBC Libtard with logic, reason and common sense.

Patriotic Dutch politician Geert Wilders has stated that Islam and freedom are “not compatible,” slamming his country for “importing” those who follow the religion. “Dutch values are based on Christianity, on Judaism, on humanism. Islam and freedom are not compatible,” the Freedom Party politician told USA Today. “You see it in almost every country where […]

Trump was right: Only 23 per cent of Flemish feel safe in Brussels

Migrant riots, street fights and terror attacks: Brussels surely isn’t the place to be in Belgium and is starting to look like Trump’s “hellhole”. Now even the Belgians agree with that, because most of them don’t feel safe anymore in their capital. Migrant riots in Brussels – YouTube screenshot According to an “IPSOS” poll with […]

Is Trump Considering Amnesty?

In a meeting with establishment politicians from the Problem Solvers Caucus and the Blue Dog Coalition, President Trump signaled a full-fledged cave on the issue of giving amnesty to nearly 800,000 illegal aliens currently protected by an Obama-created executive immigration program. Since Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the ultimate end to the Deferred Action for […]

Refugee contractor CEO (moneybags) Miliband moans: shocking decline in Muslim arrivals

The nine federally funded refugee contractors*** never miss a media opportunity. Last night I reported that several of them will be protesting against the President at the White House today (first anniversary of first ban) and others, like the International Rescue Committee are moaning to the media with press statements like this one: IRC: Trump […]

Can Trump Stop War? The NWO Establishment want WAR again, and like WWII, despite Hitler pleading for peace, the Allies wanted war.

Can Trump Stop War when he takes office this week? The NWO Establishment and Military Industrial Complex (“Allies”) want WAR again, and like in WWII, despite Hitler pleading for peace on countless occasions, before and during the war, the Allies wanted war to further their world supremacist agenda and to achieve the profit and spoils […]
Is Multiculturalism or Islam or Socialism or the One World Order that is Destroying Our Nations and Culture?

Is Multiculturalism or Islam or Socialism or the One World Order that is Destroying Our Nations and Culture?

Allastriona asks Elvis, a Christian from Iran in exile in UK what he thinks is causing the downfall of The West. Clearly the degree of multiculturalism is important, if it is similar culture like the differing European nations, it is fine, but if it is a huge difference in culture, it is guaranteed to clash. Architecture is a good indication of the closeness between cultures. Like European architecture that went to USA with the British and Irish but had Italian and Greek influences and there was no problems with this.

Liberals and Democrats are the new Nazis! Yet another Trump supporting student beaten!

Liberals and Democrats are the now beyond doubt the new Nazi dictators. Yet another Trump supporting student has been beaten up, insulted and castigated for political views. One wonders how often this is happening without a camera present or someone brave enough to share? Voter intimidation is yet another facet of how elections are rigged. […]

White House: Trump Has Always Supported Amnesty

President Donald Trump’s request that Congress protect illegal immigrants is not a change of heart, but something Trump has always supported, according to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders. Trump presented a hard-line immigration policy on the campaign trail and said during an August 2016 campaign speech that “there will be no amnesty.” “Our message […]

Taxpayer-funded refugee contractors lead anti-Trump rally in DC tomorrow

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) tweeted to come on out to Washington DC tomorrow to ‘celebrate’ the one year anniversary of the President’s first so-called Muslim “ban.” Here is the facebook page for the event.  If you happen to be in the DC area you might want to swing by and have a look-see.  […]
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