Trump84 Videos

Lancaster, PA: Church World Service puts on sob story event, never mentions their federal boodle!

Church World Service, one of the nine major federal resettlement contractors***, paraded ‘refugees’ before the public in a media event designed to put-down the President (and by extension, you, who voted for him!). This isn’t pick-on-Church-World-Service week, but they seem to be conspicuously out in front leading the Open Borders political activism (along with their friends at HIAS) recently. See my previous posts, here and here (see if your church is a member of CWS demonstrating with CAIR). In Lancaster (Amish country) they put on one of many events as part of their first anniversary bash-Trump campaign to gain support for more refugee admissions (for more paying clients for them).

Recent Kid Rock Speech Resembles Scene from Idiocracy

Kid Rock delivered an…interesting speech on Tuesday during a concert in Grand Rapids, Michigan. In the speech, the aspiring politician blasted the KKK, welfare leeches, and deadbeat dads. Kid Rock also took a moment to pay homage to Jesus Christ, much to the delight of the crowd. As Nathan Damigo pointed out on Twitter, Kid […]

After EU Land Grab Attempt of Northern Ireland, “Troubles” Used As Fear Porn in Anti BRexit Propaganda

Rumors spread like wildfire as Derry, Northern Ireland, was hit by three security alerts on Monday. With panic setting in on social media the police are seeking to reassure people that a zombie apocalypse isn’t nigh. The alerts were sparked after two vans were hijacked by masked men and a third was reported abandoned outside a girls’ secondary school. Numerous people had to evacuate their homes as the cops established security cordons around the vehicles. A third security alert is underway in Derry tonight. An abandoned ASDA van has been left outside St Mary’s Secondary School blocking the road. Police cordon in place. Bomb disposal experts also carried out a controlled explosion in one of the vans after the suspects were seen throwing an object in the back of the vehicle before abandoning it. Meanwhile, one man remains in custody in relation to a car bomb that exploded in the city on Saturday evening. Nobody was injured in the incident. The city was the sce

Refugee contractor CEO (moneybags) Miliband moans: shocking decline in Muslim arrivals

The nine federally funded refugee contractors*** never miss a media opportunity. Last night I reported that several of them will be protesting against the President at the White House today (first anniversary of first ban) and others, like the International Rescue Committee are moaning to the media with press statements like this one: IRC: Trump […]

Taxpayer-funded refugee contractors lead anti-Trump rally in DC tomorrow

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) tweeted to come on out to Washington DC tomorrow to ‘celebrate’ the one year anniversary of the President’s first so-called Muslim “ban.” Here is the facebook page for the event.  If you happen to be in the DC area you might want to swing by and have a look-see.  […]
New Zealand Attacks – Enforced Multiculturalism Fails Again! Islam Uses Attack To Gain More Ground!

New Zealand Attacks – Enforced Multiculturalism Fails Again! Islam Uses Attack To Gain More Ground!

The events in New Zealand are indicative of the authorities ignoring the pleas and cries from the local citizens that they are concerned and unhappy about the enforced invasion of Islam and third world migrants. It is indicative of the authority ignoring the real danger Islam presents to the Western way of life. An Imam in Ireland is already taking advantage of the tragic events in New Zealand saying he is concerned about "islamophobia". Clearly Irish people are not allowed to be unhappy with their own assimilation and the conquest of their nation.

US taxpayer-funded resettlement agency has it nose (again) in Israel’s business

Many American Jewish groups are angry with the Israeli government because it is now taking steps to remove tens of thousands of economic migrants who entered Israel from Africa before it had built its great border wall. If US private activist groups want to pressure Israel that is their business, however, when one of those […]

Austria: Mahmoud took the money and went home!

They are trying it all over Europe—paying the migrants (with taxpayers money) to go home! It is something we have advocated here as well.  Believe me, it is cheaper than incarceration and deportation and way cheaper than migrants of all stripes living (for years!) off the generosity of the US taxpayer for food, shelter, education […]

Italy Votes NO to EU Supremacy! Austria sadly falls to Mass Media & Establishment Brainwashing, Blackmail & Fake News

Italy has voted NO to EU Supremacy! Austria however has fallen to Mass Media & Establishment Brainwashing, Blackmail, Fake News and Russo Phobia. Italy’s PM Renzi has ceded defeat, and plans to resign after a decisive ‘No’ vote in the constitutional referendum. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi says he takes full responsibility for the crashing […]

Time to Disband the USA Union? Collectivism has failed AGAIN! Time for #CALexit and #TEXit?

Supporters of Californian independence have taken the first real step towards secession from the US, submitting a ballot proposal to the state attorney general. Should the option garner enough support, ‘Calexit’ might become an issue. A group called ‘Yes California Independence Campaign’ filed their proposal with the attorney general’s office, asking to “prepare a circulating title […]
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