Police31 Videos


GRAPHIC: If This Video Offends Or Bothers You, You Should Not Be Welcoming Illegal Unknown Migrants To Ireland! M&M’s Anyone?

This is the video the Establishment, Mainstream media and Social Media Networks do not want you to see. Some mainstream media outlets like BBC and CBS are going so far as to call the islamic beheading as mere stab wounds to the neck! Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are removing this video as soon as it is being posted by users. We have decided to post it on EuroWars.org, as horrendous as it is, in an effort to make people realise the barbarity they are welcoming with open arms, and also in the interest of not censoring the brutality and inhumanity of these warriors and servants of Allah, but also to highlight the deceit that Mainstream media and the Establishment is practicing in the name of false virtue and oil cash.

More Illegal Aliens Paying Crazy Money To Human Traffickers To Risk Life Crossing English Channel To Join Feeding Frenzy On UK’s Dying Carcass

Britain's Immigration Minister Caroline Nokes has said that a spike in illegal aliens crossing the Channel by boat was "deeply concerning", after dozens of people were rescued overnight. British border officials found 23 Iranians in three locations in Kent on England's southeast coast early Thursday, hours after French maritime authorities intercepted 11 migrants in a small boat near Sangatte. "The number of incidents over recent days is deeply concerning," said Nokes. "Some of this is clearly facilitated by organised crime groups while other attempts appear to be opportunistic." Nine Iranians, including three children, were the first to be found early Thursday on a beach near the Kent port town of Folkstone, after sailing from northern France in a 13-foot (four-metre) inflatable boat. Matt Crittenden, of the Littlestone-on-Sea lifeboat station, told AFP its search and rescue helicopter had spotted them and alerted police. "We realised they were safe and sound, a
‘We Do Not Give Colour To Crime, We Do Not Give Colour To Victims’

‘We Do Not Give Colour To Crime, We Do Not Give Colour To Victims’

FILE: Farming communities protested against farm murders on 30 October 2017, under the banner ‘genoeg is genoeg’ (enough is enough). Cabinet has condemned those who blocked roads and displayed the old South African flag during so-called Black Monday protests against farm murders. Briefing the media at Parliament on discussions at Thursday’s meeting, Communications Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane says that […]
Desperate Left Wing Prison Service and Mainstream Spread Lies about Tommy Robinson

Desperate Left Wing Prison Service and Mainstream Media Spread Lies about Tommy Robinson

In an attempt to gain back control of their left wing agenda, the mainstream and HMS Prison Service have been spreading lies about Tommy's incarceration. Whoever this so called informant is, it is almost certain it is from some left wing radical group like Hope not Hate or Antifa or Green Party. Sadly the days of true investigative journalism are long gone, so it is left up to alternative media, who have nowhere near the budgets of mainstream, to get the truth out...

Macron The Dictator Reinforces His Hitler Comparison By Arresting Yellow Vest Leader And Insulting Protesters!

Shouts of “dictatorship” were heard as one of the leaders of France’s anti-government Yellow Vest movement was arrested in Paris late on Wednesday, after authorities charged him with organizing and leading an unauthorized protest. Eric Drouet was detained by police as some of the movement’s supporters gathered in the capital’s Place de la Concorde, near the iconic Arc de Triomphe monument. People left candles in remembrance of the movement’s wounded in clashes with police. Drouet was detained while reportedly en-route to the memorial. Footage of the arrest shows several French riot police escort him away from the crowds while supporters chant his name while he is being led away. After that, several other protesters were grabbed from the crowd and led away by police while remaining Yellow Vests sang the national anthem. Tweeting his support for the man, left-wing politician Jean-Luc Melenchon called the arrest an “abuse of power,” and the target of p

The Netherlands is turning into a “narco state” where criminal groups are left undisturbed

Dutch detectives are struggling under a massive workload and as a result can only get to a fraction of their tasks, police union NPB says in a new report that will be sent to the House of Representatives on Tuesday. The Netherlands is turning into a “narco state” where drug trafficking thrives and most criminal groups are left undisturbed, the union warns in the report that NOS has in its position. “In the last 25 years I have seen small dealers grow into large entrepreneurs with good contacts in politics and into so-called respected investors”, the report titled ‘Noodkreet recherche!’ quotes one detective.

Globalist Irish Government To Import a Million Migrant Consumers to Rural Ireland, Yet Close Hundreds Of Rural Police Stations and Post Offices!

An Post, which is supposed to be and holds the mandate as the National Post Office for Ireland, seems to think it is a Private or Listed Corporation where ONLY profit matters and any action is justified which makes more profit. Certainly it is not following the plans of its bosses, the Irish Government, who wants to grow rural Ireland by flooding it with 3rd world migrants. Shortly after announcing the closure of many more rural Post Offices after 161 postmasters were allegedly offered voluntary redundancy, An Post has the gall to announce that around €10 Million will be invested in completely overhauling An Post's digital presence, all of which can be deleted at the push of a button or zapped in a potential extreme solar flare or a power failure rendering it useless.  They also acquired the domain name anpost. com from a US company for €10,000, despite already having and using anpost .ie. Globalist much?

Five Times More People Murdered by Islam in Sri Lanka than in New Zealand – Where is The Outrage?

Sri Lanka WILL happen in a Western country one day...Sri Lankan police found 87 bomb detonators at the bus station in the nation’s largest city, following horrific bombings which killed 290 people on Easter Sunday. The detonators were discovered on Monday at a private bus stand located in the Pettah neighborhood of Colombo, police said. The officers initially found just a dozen devices, but later retrieved 75 more while clearing the garbage heap. Police launched an investigation into the incident. It is unclear whether the devices had anything to do with the multiple coordinated bombings which took place on Easter Sunday. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTQsS_LAvjQ[embed] Suicide bombers set off explosives in several hotels and Catholic churches across the country, killing 290 and injuring hundreds more. An apartment complex was also hit. Another bomb was later discovered near Colombo International Airport and successfully defused. A total of 24 people we

#IslamicUK arrests 22 year old Canadian for Terrorism but “does not suspect her of Terrorism”!

Tommy sat down with a visibly shocked Lauren Southern in Calais, a 22 year old conservative journalist and free speech advocate who was detained by UK for 6 hours trying to enter the UK. Her crime? Conducting a social experiment in Luton where she used words to criticise Allah. In a recorded conversation with her father back in Canada, the police admit they do not actually suspect her of being a terrorist!

Dutch Councilor Commits Suicide After Muslim Rape Gang Rapes and Blackmails Her To Silence Her Politically!

RAPE AS A TOOL OF CONQUEST. A Dutch anti-immigrant politician has taken her own life after releasing video revealing that a Muslim rape gang had kidnapped and raped her, and have been blackmailing her to silence her politically. The City councilor in The Hague and member of the Freedom Party has taken her own life, hours after posting a video on Facebook in which she revealed she was gang-raped by Muslims as part of an intimidation campaign.

Willie Dille, 53, reportedly ended her own life on Wednesday, shortly after sharing a video on social media in which she claimed to have been kidnapped and raped by a Muslim gang over a year ago. She said that she had been threatened and that she feared for her life. Dille also said that fellow Hague city councilor Arnoud van Doorn is behind
New Zealand Attacks – Enforced Multiculturalism Fails Again! Islam Uses Attack To Gain More Ground!

New Zealand Attacks – Enforced Multiculturalism Fails Again! Islam Uses Attack To Gain More Ground!

The events in New Zealand are indicative of the authorities ignoring the pleas and cries from the local citizens that they are concerned and unhappy about the enforced invasion of Islam and third world migrants. It is indicative of the authority ignoring the real danger Islam presents to the Western way of life. An Imam in Ireland is already taking advantage of the tragic events in New Zealand saying he is concerned about "islamophobia". Clearly Irish people are not allowed to be unhappy with their own assimilation and the conquest of their nation.

Suspects Named in Huddersfield Muslim Rape Gang Offences – 31 Charged With Child Rape, Trafficking and Assault!

Police have charged 30 men and a woman with child sex abuse offences, including rape, trafficking and sexual assault against minors in Huddersfield.
According to detectives in Kirklees, 31 people have been with numerous offences including rape and trafficking with intent to engage in sexual exploitation.
The charges against the defendants are from offences that have occurred between 2005 and 2012 and relate to five women. The offences were committed against them as children in the Huddersfield area and are alleged to have taken place while the women were aged between 12 and 18-years-old. The 30 men and one woman will appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court on 5 and 6 September 2018: The defendants are:
  • Banaras Hussain aged 37, of Shipley, is charged with one count of rape of a female over 16.
  • Banaris Hussain, aged 35, of Huddersfield, is charged with one count of rape of a g

Under Treason May, BRexit Will Accelerate only non-EU Mass Immigration With A Muslim Home Secretary!

Our normal guest Elvis, is having issues with the pro Islam fascist police in UK for talking about his persecution under Islamic rule in Iran as a christian. He lives in fear now in the UK as Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, who is muslim and a favourite to succeed Treason May, might be what muslims in UK are waiting for, as the Koran has specific instructions for Muslims once the country they are invading, gets an islamic leader... Will immigration "control" under the current muslim Home Secretary be an opportunity to stop migrants from Eastern Europe, who are traditionally more patriotic and christian, and import only muslim migrants? As it is the UNHCR has not sent any christian refugees to UK, only muslims...
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