Middle East21 Videos


1,000,000 British Children Raped by Muslim Men! This is Institutional Ethnic Cleansing because it is ONLY muslims doing it to ONLY white children!

1,000,000 British Children Raped by Muslim Men! – This is Institutional Ethnic Cleansing because it is ONLY muslims doing it to ONLY white children and the Establishment is allowing it and Islam encourages it! Only mass deportations and suspension of residence can save United Kingdom! There is no law in existence anywhere that protects an […]

Abolish UN Human Rights Council Now! UNHCR is a Dictator’s Club with a God Complex

The United Nations Human Rights Council should be disbanded and abolished ASAP! The UNHCR is a Dictator’s Club with a God Complex. Foreign Correspondent Alex Newman with The New American exposes the farce that is the United Nations Human Rights Council. The organization is dominated by dictators of different varieties–Communist China and Cuba, Islamist Saudi Arabia, […]

Bill Gates: “Stop being generous to refugees and make it difficult for them to reach Europe” #HelpThemBackHome

In a surprise statement, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has called on Europe to stop demonstrating generosity towards asylum seekers to avoid an overwhelming migrant influx. He also advises European Nations to make Africans’ way to the continent much more difficult. During an interview Germany’s Welt am Sonntag, Gates, one of the richest people on the planet, warned […]

Genocidal Hypocrite Much? Europe has been White 3 times longer than Israel has existed, yet only Israel has a right to Ethnic Nationalism?

Does Only Zionist Israel Have the Right to a Homogeneous Nation State, Whilst They Promote and Facilitate Mass Immigration Into All Other Nations?   In a blatant propaganda video the Israeli Government pokes “fun” at almost everyone for invading Jewish ‘home-sweet-home’ – if this video does not backfire, then you need to be very very […]

Illegal Migrants Cash In. Western Governments are Enticing, Grooming and Kidnapping People from Poorer Countries!

Illegal Migrants Cash In. Western Governments are Enticing, Grooming and Kidnapping People from poorer countries, making these countries guilty of human trafficking and crimes against humanity, by destroying the chances these poor countries have of advancement, by stealing their most able and talented citizens too boost the profit of supremacist multinationals. If we are to […]

Israel Attacked Chemical Weapons Plant in Syria, Local Reports Claim

Syria confirms: Israel targeted military facility, killing two. Incident comes amid massive Israeli anti-Hezbollah drill, weeks after outgoing air force chief admits Israel attacks weapons convoys. The Israeli military struck Thursday a chemical arms plant in Syria, foreign media reports claimed. The Syrian army general command confirmed in a statement the attack on what they […]

Israel Sets Leading Example in Defending True Diversity by Deporting Illegal African Migrants or Jailing Them

Deportation or jail: Israel gives African migrants 60-day deadline to leave country  and has started issuing deportation orders to African migrants, giving them 60 days to return to their home countries or opt for an unnamed safe haven. Those failing to meet the deadline risk being sent to prison. Israel's Population, Immigration and Border Authority delivered the first batch of notices Sunday, telling migrants they have to leave before April 1. The notification says the government arranged their relocation to “a safe third country.” In addition to the travel documents and free plane tickets, the migrants will receive a $3,500 cash payment.

It’s True! A second Hitler’s plan to conquer all Europe is being enforced by the EU and UN! – The weapon is enforced racemixing by importing 159,000,000 migrants!

It is a verifiable fact, NOT a conspiracy theory. There was a second Hitler, also from Austria, whose plan was also to conquer all of Europe and bring it under one government, and it is being implemented by the EU and UN and the bankster Elites – The weapon is enforced racemixing by importing 159,000,000 […]
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