
Warmonger Obama’s Last Stand: non existent “election hacking by Russia” used to expel 35 Russian officials from US

Warmonger Obama has had his second “WMD” moment (after chemical weapons in Syria) with non existent “election hacking by Russia” which he has used as an excuse to expel 35 Russian officials from US soil. Needles to say his obedient mass media comrades are on board manufacturing consent. Thirty-five Russian diplomats have been expelled from […]

Deep State Raises Assange’s Martyrdom Up A Level As We The People Thank and Support Whistleblower Julian Assange!

Julian Assange is a pioneering whistleblower in the digital-age, speaking truth to power like no one before him managed on such a significant scale. As he sits in a London jail cell, here’s why we should be grateful for his work. By setting up the international non-profit organization WikiLeaks in Iceland in 2006, Assange irrevocably shifted the balance of power in the online era. From humble beginnings as a master coder and hacker, caught by Australian authorities in 1995 but escaping a prison term, to the foremost publisher of sensitive, embarrassing and potentially dangerous material for the world to see, Assange's storied career as a publisher and whistleblower has captured headlines, and the global public's attention for years. RT takes a look back at the key moments in Assange’s career that remind us why the world owes him such a debt of gratitude. The early years In 2007, WikiLeaks published emails exposing the manuals for Camp Delta, a controversial US

Between The Upcoming Lisbon Treaty and The Hidden Hand Of Islam, Ireland Really is No More!

Allastriona welcomes Eileen back on the show with her cutting analysis of the treacherous elites, to discuss the Lisbon Treaty which comes into effect next year, effectively turning Ireland and UK into mere provinces of an EU superstate. We are being subjected to a spiritual war because the powers that be already own everything physical and totally control it, but it is not enough, they want our hearts and minds too and total subservience - they want to be gods. Google the "throne in Vatican hall"...(see below for a picture) [embed][embed] The traitor Pope claims we all worship the same God but thereby he is eliminating the Son of God. He is eliminating Jesus Christ, something Jews have always wanted... He called for a One World Religion too. The arrest of Julian Assange of Wikileaks puts a sombre note on events. It also once again raises questions as to whose side Trump is really on... - How Deep Does it Run? When you

Eurosceptic Left Wing MEP Candidate Clare Daly Wears Anti Establishment “Free Assange” T-Shirt At MEP Vote Count

Left Wing independents4change MEP candidate Clare Daly showed her support for jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during the vote count for the European elections in Dublin on Monday, where she won a seat in the European Parliament. The candidate who has now won a seat in the European Parliament promises to deliver many a clash with the establishment...
Daly wore a t-shirt reading ‘Free Assange’ as she waited for the votes to be counted and, after a close contest, was announced as an Irish MEP for the first time. She edged out Sinn Feins's Lyn Boylan who has controversially been linked to George Soros...
Daly has shown her support for Assange in the past, and wore the same shirt in a campaign video on May 24 in which Daly claimed that BRexit and the "rise of the far right" are symptoms of EU oppression. Daly also met with Assange in 2013 while he was in the Ecuadori
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