
Alastriona Interviews Paul Golding from Britain First on his Visit To Northern Ireland

During an interview on Irish News Radio at 8PM Alastriona Nic Arcail talks to Paul about his trip to NI and discusses similarities patriots have in UK, NI and The Republic. Contrary to rumours he is not anti Irish... [embed][/embed] Tune in every week night to hear Alastriona Nic Arcail's Banríon Show where she says it like it is, on Irish News Radio at 8PM Links to listen on mobile: Android:;stream.mp3 BlackBerry:;stream.mp3 Iphone: Or tune in on (Player top right). In order to remain fully independent and not compromised or subservient to globalist advertisers or special interests, relies on our readers, listeners and viewers for funding and support and we thank you for your patronage and patriotism. Please do consider making a donation, once off or regularly per month via:

Official: Muslim Birth Rate in UK is TEN TIMES More than Any Other Group – Lord Pearson

While he was in London covering Tommy Robinson’s trial, Ezra Levante interviewed Lord Pearson of Rannoch, who is the only member of either house of Parliament publicly supporting Tommy, and willing to discuss Islam. He is the only Peer brave enough, honest enough and patriotic enough to speak up about the biased media and political establishment, which simply refuses to discuss Islam in public, despite ample and mounting evidence of its danger... [embed][/embed] The entire political establishment, biased media and left wing apologists are dead quiet about Islam and quietly allowing it to go ahead... Wake up and start fighting back - we will need to make sacrifices... so that we can hand down the heritage we inherited to our children... otherwise there will be nothing left.

Estimated 5 to 8 MILLION Rapes of British Girls committed by Muslim Men – Lord Pearson

Extrapolation of official figures show an estimated 5 to 8 Million Rapes were committed on British girls by Muslim men - Lord Pearson. 250,000 British girls, minimum, were raped this century, by Muslim men! [embed][/embed] While he was in London covering Tommy Robinson’s trial, Ezra Levante interviewed Lord Pearson of Rannoch, who is the only member of either house of Parliament publicly supporting Tommy, and willing to discuss Islam. He is the only Peer brave enough, honest enough and patriotic enough to speak up about the biased media and political establishment, which simply refuses to discuss Islam in public, despite ample and mounting evidence of its danger... Share The entire political establishment, biased media and left wing apologists are dead quiet about Islam and quietly allowing it to go ahead... Wake up and start fighting back - we will need to make sacrifices... so that we can hand down the heritage we inherited to our

Britain First’s Paul Golding on Banrion Show On Derry Bomb, BRexit, Jayda Fransen Leaving etc. 

Allastriona interviews Paul Golding from Britian First for an update and look at what 2019 has in store for Patriots. "Conservative" white Councilor in Worcester calls black Britain First activist a racist... The entire political establishment, biased media and left wing apologists are dead quiet about it and quietly allowing it to go ahead... [embed][/embed] Wake up and start fighting back - we will need to make sacrifices... so that we can hand down the heritage we inherited to our children... Telling it like it is.... Listen in every week night to hear Alastriona Nic Arcail's Banríon Show where she says it like it is, on Irish News Radio at 8PM Links to listen on mobile: Android:;stream.mp3 BlackBerry:;stream.mp3 Iphone: Or tune in on (Player top right).;stream.mp3 In order to remain ful

We The People Own The Governments Share of KBC and Banks – Councilor Tony Ward from Roscommon 

Interview With Councilor Tony Ward from Roscommon on Evictions, Banksters, Homelessness, Housing Crash and Illegal Immigration (well, he ducked that last one...). Tony Ward has been a councilor since 2004, been Mayor and is from Carrick View, Curraghboy, Co. Roscommon. He says the People actually own The Governments share of the Banks via the Governments Shareholding, but seem to have forgotten and have no say in it. The recent Roscommon Eviction is a worrying sign of 2008 repeating itself, once again we have not learnt from history. [embed][/embed] Banks won't talk to you if you are overdue or have bad debt because they can get relief by eviction and possession. They will not sit down with the people and offer a solution but would rather offer the property to a vulture fund at 20% discount. The banks are being looked after the State... Tony can be contacted on: +353879165226 [email protected] Wake up and sta

Treasonous Fianna Fáil Replaced the 1922 Constitution And Removed Accountability to “We The People”

They say if you do not learnt from your past, you are destined to repeat it until you do, and so it seems Ireland has to learn the lesson again, if it is not too late for Ireland that is... Like what happened in Iceland, a permanent protest outside The Dail now seems to be the only action left to the disenfranchised and oppressed Irish. It was easier to replace the constitution than to amend it. Interview with Dermot Murphy [embed][/embed] Ireland could have refused the Bank Bailouts, Lisbon, Nice, Water Charges, etc and anything by simply getting 70,000 signatures. Ireland would have been able to hold both the corrupt EU occupation government as well as the Church to account had Fianna Fail not removed crucial articles from the original 1922 constitution. In 1937 The Fianna Fáil Government replaced the Shaorstáit Eireann Constitution and they did not like articles 1, 47 and 48 which held not only the government, but als
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