
Traitors Who Sell Kith, Kin and Country for Coin: Only 1% of 1.65 Million Asylum Claims in Germany Were Actually Reviewed by Migration Offices

The German federal migration service plans to review thousands of successful asylum applications after it was revealed that a treasonous regional migration office granted asylum to thousands of people without sufficient grounds. It has also been revealed that less than 1 percent of all asylum applications approved by local and regional migration offices have actually been properly reviewed by the federal migration office. This follows a corruption and bribery scandal that involved traitors including the former regional office head as well as five other local employees, including three lawyers and an interpreter.

“Forget About Them Ever Going Home” – German President Admits Migrants ARE Settlers and Invaders and NOT Refugees!

Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble has told Germans to forget about the one million plus “refugees” who flooded into Germany over the past three years ever returning to their home countries.We should realize how difficult it is to deport in individual cases. That’s why we should not foster too much hope that we can send back the majority of these people,” said Schäuble.

We should not foster too much hope” of sending them back.

He added that all efforts must be made “to integrate them into our society,” before he went on to defend Angela Merkel’s controversial open border policy as the “right” decision, despite the fact that it has largely ruined her political legacy and caused her approval rating to sink to an all time low. Schäuble did concede one point to critics of mass immigration; That so-called “refugees” (the majority of whom are economic migrants) should seek r
Reason Comes To German Parliament – How Long Before Ireland Realises Migrants Will Not Save Ireland, But Will Destroy It!

Reason Comes To German Parliament – How Long Before Ireland Realises Migrants Will Not Save Ireland, But Will Destroy It!

The German Bundestag (Parliament) was stunned by a frank honest speech from an elected AfD MP: “Migrants aren’t going to save Germany; they’re ruining it” Dr. Gottfried Curio is a member of the Bundestag (German federal parliament) for AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany). In the following speech on the floor of the Bundestag, […]

Merkel blamed for creating first “right wing” party to enter Bundestag since WWII, while Schulz falls on his sword to prevent (AfD) being official opposition!

The historic success of the right-wing AfD party in the parliamentary elections has stunned many cucked Germans, but experts say that Chancellor Angela Merkel created it herself. They also claim that Victor Orban from Hungary actually saved her, and Germany, by building the fences she was not willing to build. In fact with a voting […]

Cowardly #TraitorMerkel Flees as Patriots have their First Say in German Parliament in over 70 Years!

German Chancellor Angela Merkel walked out of a parliamentary session after a leader from the patriotic Alternative for Germany (AfD) party criticized her support of a proposed EU refugee distribution system. While treasonous globalist Merkel and AfD have never been friends, one particular comment by the party’s co-founder, Alexander Gauland, prompted her to flee the Bundestag on Thursday. That remark slammed the chancellor's support for an EU quota system for accepting refugees.
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