
A Week of “Hell” in EU – Juncker’s Job is Hell and Tusk Damns Brexiteers to Hell!

In the latest frustrated comment from the EU as Brexit dealings crumble, European Commission boss Jean-Claude Juncker said his job in Brussels was “hell.” The quip came after another top EU official spoke of a hell for Brexiteers. The Devil’s domain was first mentioned by EU Council president Donald Tusk, when he lambasted the UK authorities over their attempts to change the already negotiated withdrawal agreement with the bloc. “I have been wondering what the special place in hell looks like for those who promoted Brexit without even a sketch of a plan to deliver it safely,” Tusk said. Juncker was next to appear before the cameras in Brussels on Wednesday. The fun-loving EC chief, who was previously filmed mocking UK PM Theresa May’s dancing moves, just couldn’t let such a fiery comment as Tusk’s lie. “I’m less Catholic than my good friend Donald. He strongly believes in heaven and by opposite in hell. I believe in heaven and I’ve never seen

Will Theresa May’s 3,500 Troops on The Street Unite The Resistance and Escalate Into Civil War?

BRexiteers and Yellow Vest protesters Have Shown UK Gov and EU Elites That If BRexit Doesn't Happen, Amongst Others, There Will Be Civil War! Elvis reports on a protest which blocked the Westminster Bridge for 20 minutes! They were asked by a Police escort for a ministerial entourage to let them through, and they said no! So the convoy had to go another route! 3,500 troops are to be put on the streets in case of a no deal BRexit, which Elvis feels is a good idea even though he suspects this army is actually to quell Brexiteers, because he knows bloodshed is coming. According to his experience in Iran, once you get the army out on the people, for whatever reason, it is game over and puts the whole unrest onto a new radical level... Once an innocent is killed, revolution starts! He feels many patriots and their movements are not taking the issue seriously enough for a revolution to come. There needs to be more coordination. A Million pe
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