violence21 Videos

Philadelphia bans bulletproof plexiglass for shop fronts

Philadelphia 8th District Councilwoman Cindy Bass said that having to see plexiglass represents an “indignity” to her African American constituents and should therefore be banned. Bass is the driving force behind the bill. Fox News reported that Philadelphia is one step closer to getting rid of bulletproof glass in many of its small businesses. The ban […]

Veiled Woman Assaults Shopkeeper for Selling Lingerie Near Headscarves

A saleswoman in a fashion boutique in Berlin was viciously assaulted by a niqab-wearing woman who objected to lingerie being displayed in the same window as Islamic headscarves. The incident occurred in the Berlin district of Neukölln, known for its high percentage of migrant residents. The niqab-wearing woman raised her objections, but after her demands to remove […]

The State Supplies Arms To Criminals: Robbers Raid 9 SAI Battalion Base, Steal R4 Rifles

 Regular readers of this blog may have noticed that I permit myself more than occasional spells of righteous indignation. Any sentient person held hostage by the machinations of the incumbent South African government and its president would themselves likely be familiar with such emotions. Like an overly generous Pandora’s Box of endless shenanigans, our State […]

Dutch Councilor Commits Suicide After Muslim Rape Gang Rapes and Blackmails Her To Silence Her Politically!

RAPE AS A TOOL OF CONQUEST. A Dutch anti-immigrant politician has taken her own life after releasing video revealing that a Muslim rape gang had kidnapped and raped her, and have been blackmailing her to silence her politically. The City councilor in The Hague and member of the Freedom Party has taken her own life, hours after posting a video on Facebook in which she revealed she was gang-raped by Muslims as part of an intimidation campaign.

Willie Dille, 53, reportedly ended her own life on Wednesday, shortly after sharing a video on social media in which she claimed to have been kidnapped and raped by a Muslim gang over a year ago. She said that she had been threatened and that she feared for her life. Dille also said that fellow Hague city councilor Arnoud van Doorn is behind
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