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GOTCHA! Voting Machines ARE Rigged to Mimic Polls! Trump is Right AGAIN!

The smoking gun! Voting Machines ARE Designed and rigged to Mimic the Polls! Trump is Right AGAIN! Unnaturally dividing Votes into Fractions, as if they were money and not individual people, allows controllers with access, to set the machine to kick out a result which would mimic what the Polls say! Where or why would you […]

Globalist Google Steals $3.6 Billion from poor and needy society by avoiding its tax duties

Alphabet Inc.’s Google avoided billions in taxes by funneling money offshore and managed to “save” $3.6 billion in 2015 by shifting and hiding its profits to a Bermuda shell company, according to filings in the Netherlands. Google used Ireland and the Netherlands as intermediaries. According to files obtained by Bloomberg, Google used the so-called “Double […]

Warmonger Obama’s Last Stand: non existent “election hacking by Russia” used to expel 35 Russian officials from US

Warmonger Obama has had his second “WMD” moment (after chemical weapons in Syria) with non existent “election hacking by Russia” which he has used as an excuse to expel 35 Russian officials from US soil. Needles to say his obedient mass media comrades are on board manufacturing consent. Thirty-five Russian diplomats have been expelled from […]

World Supremacist E.U. and Trudeau force CETA through and ignore democracy. #NOmeansNO

The European Union and Canada signed a long-delayed (i.e. unwanted), “free” trade deal, which has triggered massive protests over concerns that it will harm European local businesses and agriculture and create a “dictatorship of corporations.” The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement’s (CETA) stated goal is to create new jobs and promote economic growth. During the signing, […]

Cowardly #TraitorMerkel Flees as Patriots have their First Say in German Parliament in over 70 Years!

German Chancellor Angela Merkel walked out of a parliamentary session after a leader from the patriotic Alternative for Germany (AfD) party criticized her support of a proposed EU refugee distribution system. While treasonous globalist Merkel and AfD have never been friends, one particular comment by the party’s co-founder, Alexander Gauland, prompted her to flee the Bundestag on Thursday. That remark slammed the chancellor's support for an EU quota system for accepting refugees.

Liberals and Democrats are the new Nazis! Yet another Trump supporting student beaten!

Liberals and Democrats are the now beyond doubt the new Nazi dictators. Yet another Trump supporting student has been beaten up, insulted and castigated for political views. One wonders how often this is happening without a camera present or someone brave enough to share? Voter intimidation is yet another facet of how elections are rigged. […]

Time to Disband the USA Union? Collectivism has failed AGAIN! Time for #CALexit and #TEXit?

Supporters of Californian independence have taken the first real step towards secession from the US, submitting a ballot proposal to the state attorney general. Should the option garner enough support, ‘Calexit’ might become an issue. A group called ‘Yes California Independence Campaign’ filed their proposal with the attorney general’s office, asking to “prepare a circulating title […]

Time for #Irexit and #IrelandFirst Because Collapsing EU has no Plan B – Leo Varadkar is on The Wrong Side of History

IRELAND’s “slavish” devotion to their "sacred cow", the European Union, is not only essentially distracting Ireland from the inherent danger of remaining tethered to a collapsing Brussels, but also from the importance of continuing good relations with Britain after BRexit, a former diplomat has warned. After all UK and Ireland had good relations prior to the EU and UK is Ireland's largest trading partner.

Writing for London-based think tank Politea, Dr Ray Bassett, warned Dublin the entire future of the bloc was “in doubt” and urged Irish leaders to put Ireland’s interests first. Concerns about the future of the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland have arguably been made into the biggest headache for BRexit negotiators, with both sides keen to avoid the re-imposition of a hard border which would be seen as a threat to the 1999’s landmark Good Friday Agreement. However the EU insensitively insisted on using it as a bargaining chip to
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