Occupation Regimes107 Videos


Illegal Migrants Cash In. Western Governments are Enticing, Grooming and Kidnapping People from Poorer Countries!

Illegal Migrants Cash In. Western Governments are Enticing, Grooming and Kidnapping People from poorer countries, making these countries guilty of human trafficking and crimes against humanity, by destroying the chances these poor countries have of advancement, by stealing their most able and talented citizens too boost the profit of supremacist multinationals. If we are to […]

Viva Italia! Viva ItalExit! Patriotic Parties Surge in Italy, as Fascist Left Faces Defeat – Exit Polls

The Five-Star Movement has come out clearly as the top individual party in Italy's election on Sunday, while the anti-immigration Lega has also outperformed expectations, the first exit polls suggest. The RAI exit poll predicted 30.5 percent for the Eurosceptic, anti-corruption Five Star Movement, and pegged Lega on a par with its coalition partner, the Silvio Berlusconi-led Forza Italia, at 14.5 percent. The ruling socialist Democratic Party was predicted to gain 22 percent of the vote.

Warmonger Obama’s Last Stand: non existent “election hacking by Russia” used to expel 35 Russian officials from US

Warmonger Obama has had his second “WMD” moment (after chemical weapons in Syria) with non existent “election hacking by Russia” which he has used as an excuse to expel 35 Russian officials from US soil. Needles to say his obedient mass media comrades are on board manufacturing consent. Thirty-five Russian diplomats have been expelled from […]
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