Jews8 Videos


Palestinian Muslim Says Rape is Not A Crime, Yet Still The Left Puts Islam Above All Others

Islam says "Smile while in your heart you know Christians and Jews are your enemies". People keep quiet because are afraid of Islam and afraid of being accused of racism which is a big hole they will fall into, which is exacerbated by the violent rhetoric of Islam. Islam has even hijacked and captured Hyde Park corner effectively preventing the freedom of speech that it is famous for... So there are many marriages that are not in the system in UK, but are official for Muslims, so there is no telling what happens. So a man can have 4 wives yet each women gets single mother welfare / allowance. Muslim women have to pay 300 pounds for a divorce. A man just has to say the word divorce three times! [embed][/embed] A man can remarry a women, but before a women can re-marry the same man, she first has to sleep with another man, but if that other man refuses to divorce her again, the first man loses out. Marriages can last even a few

#GetAngry Irish Regime Giving Migrants Privileged Status While Oppressing Real Irish!

The Irish State is becoming more Anti Semitic and Anti Irish, yet falls over itself to ingratiate itself with migrants and non irish and give them privileged status with free everything! Once the "new Irish" have used up all of the resources in Ireland and turned it into a replica of their home countries, they can go back home, the indigenous irish have nowhere to run to and have every right to be put first in their own indigenous homeland. The Irish Primary Principals' Network has said 27% of primary schools have children in their school that are homeless. [embed][/embed] According to a recent survey carried out by the IPPN, homelessness can often impact on children’s school attendance and result in reduced participation in school life and learning. IPPN CEO, Pairic Clerkin, said schools can often be a safe haven for children experiencing homelessness. Mr Clerkin said: "The homeless issue is one in that we have 27% of our schools wi

VIDEO: #TakeTheKneeForIslam “We Muslims are the New Black People of America!” – Blacks Get Brainwashed Into Attacking Whites for Islam’s Jihad!

BLM is currently more popular than both the Republican and Democrat Party in America! So who is paying for and stoking the race war? It is clear to even the most cucked or uninterested observer, that something is going on. Over the last few years "anti-racism" has become so militant and aggressive, that it is now the epitome of structural and systemic racism itself! Yet still it is pushed further and further, and now CAIR comes out openly admitting they have hijacked the Black Lives Matter movement! We already know Muslim Brotherhood in Europe has been heavily funding the "anti-racism" movement and antifa.

Andrew Anglin Interviewed on Israeli Television

Andrew Anglin is many things: writer, website creator, political dissident, and now an honored guest on Israeli television. A few days ago, the embattled Daily Stormer founder penned an article in support of Benjamin Netanyahu’s son, Yair, who had recently come under fire for posting an – allegedly – anti-Semitic meme. Bibi’s son posting merchant […]

New Netflix Series Big Mouth Is Peak Weimerica

On September 29, Netflix will add a new series to its lineup: Big Mouth. The trailer for this animated sitcom is gross and oversexualized – you have been warned. #BigMouth is coming. All over the place. ????????Sept 29 on @netflix. — Big Mouth (@bigmouth) September 12, 2017 What particularly irks me about this is […]

U.S. Congressman Proposes $12 Million to Support Israel’s Ethiopian Community

Amendment proposed by Rep. Alcee Hastings, a Democratic lawmaker and a member of the House Rules Committee: ‘The community faces a number of major challenges, including enduring shortfalls in education’ A U.S. Congressman from Florida has proposed a legislative amendment that would devote $12 million to support Israel’s Ethiopian community. The amendment was proposed on […]
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