Immigration158 Videos


#UNexit UN, EU Plan 10 Million Illegals A Year To Europe After UN Migration Pact is Signed!

#UNexit UN, EU Plan 10 Million Illegals A Year To Europe After UN Migration Pact is Signed December 11 by Ireland! The UN & EU Are Doubling Down on Their Invasion Before EU Elections in May knowing the voters will rise up! Ireland is in big trouble! Castigating those who resist is the Establishment's Priority You will have no right to speak about your wife, daughter or sister or mother being raped or murdered... [embed][/embed] Sign Petition: Some statistics on immigration into Europe in the last few years so you have context for what the UN is planning: 78% of Europeans want their borders tightened. The people of Europe do NOT get to vote on this agreement or the levels of immigration the EU is dictating to its members. 94% of 2.8k people polled (to date) are against the new UN compact for migration. 70% of Europeans said they believe that a growing Muslim presence is a problem. 8 percen

1,000,000 British Children Raped by Muslim Men! This is Institutional Ethnic Cleansing because it is ONLY muslims doing it to ONLY white children!

1,000,000 British Children Raped by Muslim Men! – This is Institutional Ethnic Cleansing because it is ONLY muslims doing it to ONLY white children and the Establishment is allowing it and Islam encourages it! Only mass deportations and suspension of residence can save United Kingdom! There is no law in existence anywhere that protects an […]

Abolish UN Human Rights Council Now! UNHCR is a Dictator’s Club with a God Complex

The United Nations Human Rights Council should be disbanded and abolished ASAP! The UNHCR is a Dictator’s Club with a God Complex. Foreign Correspondent Alex Newman with The New American exposes the farce that is the United Nations Human Rights Council. The organization is dominated by dictators of different varieties–Communist China and Cuba, Islamist Saudi Arabia, […]

Alastriona Interviews Paul Golding from Britain First on his Visit To Northern Ireland

During an interview on Irish News Radio at 8PM Alastriona Nic Arcail talks to Paul about his trip to NI and discusses similarities patriots have in UK, NI and The Republic. Contrary to rumours he is not anti Irish... [embed][/embed] Tune in every week night to hear Alastriona Nic Arcail's Banríon Show where she says it like it is, on Irish News Radio at 8PM Links to listen on mobile: Android:;stream.mp3 BlackBerry:;stream.mp3 Iphone: Or tune in on (Player top right). In order to remain fully independent and not compromised or subservient to globalist advertisers or special interests, relies on our readers, listeners and viewers for funding and support and we thank you for your patronage and patriotism. Please do consider making a donation, once off or regularly per month via:

Anti-Democratic Globalists in Sweden Form Government Ignoring Large Patriotic Vote

In the third PM vote, which took place on Friday, Vänsterpartiet (left-wing, communist party) decided to vote in favor of socialist party leader Stefan Löfven. The two parties have admitted that they made an agreement in order to stop the right-wing anti-mass migration party Sweden Democrats from gaining power. This means that Stefan Löfven will continue to govern the country for another four years. Löfven was PM during the migrant crisis in 2015/2016. He was the one, who under the motto “My Europe builds no walls” decided to swing the door open and let an unmanageable amount of migrants into Sweden. And as a result, Sweden has changed significantly for the worse. Shootings, bombings, grenade attacks, robberies and rapes have increased massively, the police and health care system are almost out of control, many Swedes feel unsafe, the pensioners are getting poorer and poorer, and Islam keeps demanding one right after another in society. In a TV interview

Bill Gates: “Stop being generous to refugees and make it difficult for them to reach Europe” #HelpThemBackHome

In a surprise statement, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has called on Europe to stop demonstrating generosity towards asylum seekers to avoid an overwhelming migrant influx. He also advises European Nations to make Africans’ way to the continent much more difficult. During an interview Germany’s Welt am Sonntag, Gates, one of the richest people on the planet, warned […]

Break The Silence of US Gov World Supremacy, or an Obama nuke on China or Russia will!

In its well rehearsed and professional role of the bully pretending to be the victim, going back to before World War 1, the US Gov Establishment (not US citizens), is once again ratcheting up the rhetoric using their subservient obedient mass media “Fake News” platforms. US Gov has over 400 army bases surrounding China under Obama’s […]

Can Trump Stop War? The NWO Establishment want WAR again, and like WWII, despite Hitler pleading for peace, the Allies wanted war.

Can Trump Stop War when he takes office this week? The NWO Establishment and Military Industrial Complex (“Allies”) want WAR again, and like in WWII, despite Hitler pleading for peace on countless occasions, before and during the war, the Allies wanted war to further their world supremacist agenda and to achieve the profit and spoils […]

Cometh The Women, Cometh The Hour – Could Gemma O’Doherty Be New Renua’s New Leader?

Gemma O'Doherty who has been shaking up the system in recent months has finally had enough of the sorry state that Ireland is in, and has decided to launch herself in politics. She hosted a livestream on Youtube announcing her intention to start an anti-corruption, anti-establishment movement which attracted a thousand live viewers. During this livestream we asked Gemma what she thought of Renua and she responded favourably, going so far as to say she has a lot of time for Neil O'Mahony, the recently elected Chairman of Renua. This is significant, because whilst Renua as it is, is probably not anti establishment enough for Gemma, the recent election of Neil O'Mahony, a vocal critic of the establishment, immigration, the Health Service etc. shows the direction that Renua members want the party to go. Like Gemma, Renua is already tough on crime and corruption with Law and Order being one of their "Six Pillars". Renua are certainly looking at ways to bring the out of c
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