France60 Videos


Twice As Many Migrants Die in The Sahara as What Drown in The Med Where Fake Rescue NGO Ships Entice Them With a Free Ride

The gruesome consequences of European Elites and the EU grooming and enticing Africans to come to Europe "for a better life" is only now starting to be exposed. The cash incentives, free medical and housing for life that traitorous left wing and cuckservative (centre right) governments offer to entice new consumers and workers for the Multinational and Oligarch profits is really the same a winning an actual lottery for an African. Risking their life is obviously worth the big win offered by the virtue signalling West.

Bill Gates: “Stop being generous to refugees and make it difficult for them to reach Europe” #HelpThemBackHome

In a surprise statement, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has called on Europe to stop demonstrating generosity towards asylum seekers to avoid an overwhelming migrant influx. He also advises European Nations to make Africans’ way to the continent much more difficult. During an interview Germany’s Welt am Sonntag, Gates, one of the richest people on the planet, warned […]

French Leader, Moron, Commences Islamisation of France – Underestimates Islamic Supremacism

According to a leaked document Macron plans the total Islamization of France. France voted for it’s own destruction when European Union puppet Emmanuel Macron was victorious by a large margin over French nationalist Marine Le Pen. Leaked emails contain information that shows he is planning on proposing initiatives that will lead to the islamization of France and Europe, something which was specifically and verifiably warned about since 1958. The article titled “Paris will be destroyed from within”: by Billy Meier, 1981, will explain it. [embed][/embed] The EU dictatorship was also foretold in 1958 and you can now expect radical Islam to flood through Europe… and many other places. See also: “America Will Be Wrecked”, pertaining to what’s coming to the US around and after 2020. For those expressing scepticism about this, here is more information. The exact email is called “Fwd: Notes à date (1) : REGALIEN”, sent by que

Innocence is Not The Same As Ignorance, Which is Putting People’s Lives in Danger!

The E.U. struggled to make a deal with China without the UK and Italian Support. Seems China knows EU is NOT Europe! How long will Mother's Day survive under the current culture of Islamic apologism and appeasement, where anything from our christian values is an open target. Now Mother's Day is even insulting to the transgender cry babies... China, who the EU is always pointing at as an enemy does not want to do trade deals with EU because UK was not there. However China is used as an excuse to form the EU army as if the EU was Europe. When it is clear the EU is about the German and French and the smaller nations are just there give it legitimacy. [embed][embed] Smaller countries like Ireland are really irrelevant no matter how far they bend over. Not having any real conservative voice, Ireland is being destroyed by the left, including the so called centre right mainstream parties who embrace left wing policies. Innocence
TV Lies

Political Correctness is THE AIDS OF THE WEST – Deliberate Infection with a Fatal Intolerance Parasite called Cultural Marxism!

The Western World was Deliberately and Fatally Infected with an Intolerance Parasite called Cultural Marxism (Political Correctness) by Supremacists who wanted to rule the world and appoint themselves as the Monarchs and supreme rulers who they are trying to depose. – Like an AIDS infected body where it’s own self defense mechanism attacks itself, putrefaction […]

The Fight to “Defend Europe” just got real! We now have a ship in the Med – Support it’s mission to check on traitorous NGOs

‘Defend Europe’: The mission to rescue and send illegals from Libya back to Libya and to keep an eye on traitorous NGOs and Coastguards. Patriotic activists from the Identitarian movement have successfully raised enough funds through donations, and chartered a ship to fight illegal migration off the Libyan coast and to expose what they and Italian […]
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