Brussels59 Videos


Globalist attacks on BRexit same as attacks on Irish after voting NO in the Lisbon Treaty Referendum

Feelings are sacred now, countries are not... Ireland was the only EU country to put the Lisbon Treaty to a popular vote and they rejected it. Brussels then launched a secret plan to force Ireland to vote yes in a second referendum. An explosive secret document was revealed that exposed the deliberate push to make Ireland vote again and make them vote yes - this happened in October 2009. Likewise a document has been revealed showing similar manipulation and secrets arrangements on BRexit between May and Merkel. The only way out is NOT to vote for FF/FG/SF/PBP/Labour/SD etc. [embed][embed] BRexit is deliberately being turned into a complete disaster to scare any other EU countries from even thinking about it. And it is working! The British are standing and marching against what has been done, but the Irish seem to be docile and accepting of anything that gets done to them... Even Africans would not allow their c
Why Ireland Must Be Free | Ben Scallan at Irexit Kerry

Why Ireland Must Be Free | Ben Scallan at Irexit Kerry

Founder of Civil Right Media and Conservative Comeback Ireland, Ben Scallan speaks on the corrupt establishment and its evil intentions at Irexit Kerry in Ballygarry House on 1st March 2019 Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Website:

Ireland grudgingly recieves 13 Billion windfall tax from Apple. What will it be spent on? Migrants? Refugees? Gay Rights? Abortion?

While Ireland struggles under massive problems in public housing, health, unemployment and other basic sectors, one can only wonder if an extra 13.1 Billion Euros will help alleviate the problems or will it also go astray and be used by the left wing Irish Government to further its Marxist policies and invasion of Ireland by 3rd worlders? Proving Ireland's total lack of actual independence, Apple has finally been forced to pay, and Ireland has been forced to take, the 13.1 Billion Euros it owes Ireland in back taxes by the European Union. Apple which has more than $250 Billion in cash, more than most countries, just sitting stashed in offshore accounts, could easily feed all the starving in the world yet they spend so much time and money virtue signalling about how noble and moral and "cool" they are... cool does not feed the hungry. As a result European Union antitrust regulators plan to drop legal action against Ireland after iPhone maker Apple paid the country €

Pro-sharia party leader: Belgium will have a Muslim majority within 12 years

The leader of Belgium’s “Islam” party said in a TV interview that Belgium will have a Muslim majority soon. Earlier we’ve reported on how his Islam party wants to introduce Sharia law and create an Islamic State in Belgium. Redouane Ahrouch, who is the founder and leader of the party, attended a debate aired on […]
Allah Declared The Only God in New Zealand Parliament – Dail Also Being Destroyed From Within!

Allah Declared The Only God in New Zealand Parliament – Dail Also Being Destroyed From Within!

Allastriona discusses current affairs with regular guest Elvis, an Iranian christian who sought refuge in UK, only to find more persecution there... Elvis, who speaks and reads Arabic, has some shocking revelations about Islam... The treasonous New Zealand Prime Minister, who clearly does not understand arabic, unknowingly allowed Islam to officially declare in the NZ Parliament that New Zealand was now an islamic state and that Allah was the only god... As we are forced back to Imperialism by islamo-globalist corporate interests and socialist supremacists, the time has come for Crusaders to Save Europe!
Taking Our  Democracy Back from the EU | Prof. Dolores Cahill at Irexit Cork

Taking Our Democracy Back from the EU | Prof. Dolores Cahill at Irexit Cork

Dolores Cahill, award winning academic in Biomedicine, speaks at Irexit Cork in the Malrdon Hotel 16/02/19 Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Website:

Doh! EU’s Own Poll Shows Majority of Italians Would Follow UK and Vote to Leave EU if Referendum Was Held Now! #ItalExit

Italy has turned out to be more Euroskeptic than previously imagined after a new survey revealed that a majority of Italians want to see their country following UK and crashing out of the 28-member bloc.
According to a poll of nearly 28,000 Europeans commissioned by the European Parliament's Eurobarometer, only 44 percent of Italians would vote to remain in the EU, compared to the member states’ average of 66 percent, making Italy one of the bloc's most eurosceptic countries. The figure is higher even than Britain which announced that it was withdrawing from the bloc in 2016 after 51 percent of Britons voted for BRexit. A clear majority of respondents in Italy were convinced that things in the EU were going in the wrong direction: 58 percent, compared to just 21 percent who said it was on the right track. Most EU countries answered similarly, in fact, with a comparable percentage of pe

UN Migration Pact To Be Compulsory! The Establishment Lies To The People To Hold On To Power! Get Out & Fight Back!

Is Physical Intervention The Only Way To Save European Nations? So, the so called "far right conspiracy", that the UN Migration Pact was not voluntary, turns out to be true! A document has been leaked showing that the Establishment is planning to make the UN Migration Pact compulsory and even countries that did not sign, will be forced to comply. Internal documents reveal that Brussels plans to incorporate the controversial UN migration pact into the EU’s legal framework “through the back door”, Austria and Hungary have warned.
Ben Scallan speaks at Irexit Protest against UN Migration Pact

Ben Scallan speaks at Irexit Protest against UN Migration Pact

Irexit Freedom to Prosper member, Ben Scallan, addresses attendees at UN Migration Pact Protest outside Dáil Éireann on Thursday the 6th December 2018. Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Website:

Catalans flood Brussels to demand EU impartiality

Police in the Belgian capital estimates that around 45 000 people attended the rally where ousted Regional President Carles Puigedemont addressed a huge crowd on the European commission’s failure to act against the Spanish government. Independence supporters flooded Brussels on Thursday morning chanting in train carriages and on station platforms, as well as in the […]

Ireland Last? Even Spain Wakes Up With A Populist Party: VOX Pledges to Put Spanish First and Make Spain Great Again!

Must Ireland be destroyed first before the irish wake up? It seems that the Irish and Europeans in general are so brainwashed and ensconced in their materialistic comfort zones, that the only way a patriotic populist party arises, is after the mass importation of illegal aliens by their EU proxy government. After Spain took in more than any other European nation this year, at least 13,000 Spaniards have come to their senses and joined a rally of the fledgling VOX party in Madrid last month and polls indicate that up to half a million would vote for them today!
VOX a patriotic political party that vows to “defend Spain” from immigration, independence movements and political correctness. Suddenly being called "far right" by the left wing mainstream media seems not so bad anymore... in fact it appears to be the only hope for the future of our nation states.
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