Belgium48 Videos

TV Lies

Political Correctness is THE AIDS OF THE WEST – Deliberate Infection with a Fatal Intolerance Parasite called Cultural Marxism!

The Western World was Deliberately and Fatally Infected with an Intolerance Parasite called Cultural Marxism (Political Correctness) by Supremacists who wanted to rule the world and appoint themselves as the Monarchs and supreme rulers who they are trying to depose. – Like an AIDS infected body where it’s own self defense mechanism attacks itself, putrefaction […]

Pro-sharia party leader: Belgium will have a Muslim majority within 12 years

The leader of Belgium’s “Islam” party said in a TV interview that Belgium will have a Muslim majority soon. Earlier we’ve reported on how his Islam party wants to introduce Sharia law and create an Islamic State in Belgium. Redouane Ahrouch, who is the founder and leader of the party, attended a debate aired on […]

Supremacist MultiNational Corporations Are Worth More Than Most Countries But Have No Loyalty or Accountability to Citizens

Many large Multinational Corporations have more money than entire countries with annual revenues so colossal, that they dwarf the economies of many big countries across the globe. However, the world’s most profitable and successful businesses do not always have stellar reputations or loyalties, yet people dream of working for them and worship them and their mass produced products...

The Fight to “Defend Europe” just got real! We now have a ship in the Med – Support it’s mission to check on traitorous NGOs

‘Defend Europe’: The mission to rescue and send illegals from Libya back to Libya and to keep an eye on traitorous NGOs and Coastguards. Patriotic activists from the Identitarian movement have successfully raised enough funds through donations, and chartered a ship to fight illegal migration off the Libyan coast and to expose what they and Italian […]

The rise of ‘new realism’ in the Low Countries

Both the Netherlands and Flanders have seen big political changes over the last decade or so. The theme of immigration has come to define the dividing line of politics in the Low Countries, with most establishment parties defending a laissez-faire policy towards immigration while the newer parties are implacably opposed to it. Geert Wilders’ support […]

The Secret Invasion of Europe! Muslims Consolidate Their FOOTHOLD in Germany and Belgium

Radical Islamist cells are spreading all across eastern German states while terrorism-related tip-offs emerge on daily, says the head of Thuringia’s domestic intelligence agency. Islamist extremists were advancing “with impunity” in rural areas of eastern Germany even before the ongoing influx of refugees into the country, Stephan Kramer, head of Thuringia’s regional Office for the […]

Traitorous Migrant “Rescue” NGOs 100% in Cahoots with Human Traffickers & Smugglers – Italian Minister

The Italian Foreign Minister has publicly agreed ‘100 percent’ that migrant NGOs are working with people traffickers to smuggle Africans into Europe. Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano has come out and said that he “agreed 100 percent” with claims made last week accusing african migrant rescue charities of colluding with people smugglers and traffickers in […]

Traitorous NGOs learn Africans will kill you to get to Free Stuff in Europe. Send out SOS after taking on too many invaders in the Med.

A transport vessel collecting African migrants in the Mediterranean Sea has issued a mayday distress call due to overcrowding on the boat, as the traitors struggle to handle this weekend’s unprecedented flow of people in such a short space of time. Putting money before patriotism, Jugend Rettet has called for “urgent help” to come to […]

Trump was right: Only 23 per cent of Flemish feel safe in Brussels

Migrant riots, street fights and terror attacks: Brussels surely isn’t the place to be in Belgium and is starting to look like Trump’s “hellhole”. Now even the Belgians agree with that, because most of them don’t feel safe anymore in their capital. Migrant riots in Brussels – YouTube screenshot According to an “IPSOS” poll with […]

Twice As Many Migrants Die in The Sahara as What Drown in The Med Where Fake Rescue NGO Ships Entice Them With a Free Ride

The gruesome consequences of European Elites and the EU grooming and enticing Africans to come to Europe "for a better life" is only now starting to be exposed. The cash incentives, free medical and housing for life that traitorous left wing and cuckservative (centre right) governments offer to entice new consumers and workers for the Multinational and Oligarch profits is really the same a winning an actual lottery for an African. Risking their life is obviously worth the big win offered by the virtue signalling West.

VIDEO: #TakeTheKneeForIslam “We Muslims are the New Black People of America!” – Blacks Get Brainwashed Into Attacking Whites for Islam’s Jihad!

BLM is currently more popular than both the Republican and Democrat Party in America! So who is paying for and stoking the race war? It is clear to even the most cucked or uninterested observer, that something is going on. Over the last few years "anti-racism" has become so militant and aggressive, that it is now the epitome of structural and systemic racism itself! Yet still it is pushed further and further, and now CAIR comes out openly admitting they have hijacked the Black Lives Matter movement! We already know Muslim Brotherhood in Europe has been heavily funding the "anti-racism" movement and antifa.
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