Attack on Europe186 Videos


UN and IOC Plan Proves Refugee Status is a Globalist Scam To Destroy Nations States, Replace Their People and Redistribute Their Wealth

In what can only be describes as cynical and badly thought out, the globalist United Nations and IOC has come up with a ridiculous plan which proves that the entire International Refugee system is nothing other than a globalist scam and sham to destroy Nation States. The hapless International Olympic Committee (IOC) has announced it will form a special team of competitors, with refugee status for the 2020 Summer Games in Tokyo, TO COMPETE AGAINST THE VERY COUNTRIES THEY ARE ALLEGEDLY FLEEING FROM? Really? Clearly they are thus not in danger and not fleeing and all that is just an excuse to feed the brainwashed masses watching RTe...
The crazy decision was taken on Wednesday during an IOC session in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which is hosting the 2018 Youth Olympics. IOC president Thomas Bach stressed that the initiative was introduced in an attempt to unite and socially integrate displaced

Cometh The Women, Cometh The Hour – Could Gemma O’Doherty Be New Renua’s New Leader?

Gemma O'Doherty who has been shaking up the system in recent months has finally had enough of the sorry state that Ireland is in, and has decided to launch herself in politics. She hosted a livestream on Youtube announcing her intention to start an anti-corruption, anti-establishment movement which attracted a thousand live viewers. During this livestream we asked Gemma what she thought of Renua and she responded favourably, going so far as to say she has a lot of time for Neil O'Mahony, the recently elected Chairman of Renua. This is significant, because whilst Renua as it is, is probably not anti establishment enough for Gemma, the recent election of Neil O'Mahony, a vocal critic of the establishment, immigration, the Health Service etc. shows the direction that Renua members want the party to go. Like Gemma, Renua is already tough on crime and corruption with Law and Order being one of their "Six Pillars". Renua are certainly looking at ways to bring the out of c

“Make Africa Part of Europe” – World Supremacist George Soros Invokes The Oldest Communist Trick: Problem, Reaction, Solution!

The EU really is in trouble. YES! After Trump, BRexit and possibly Italy cutting of the cashflow to stop the world supremacist's enforcing their socialist engineering one world government fantasies on the world, it appears they are doubling down and going for broke! George Soros has just confirmed all conspiracy theorists to be spot on! The Communist Maxim is: Create a problem, callously wait for the reaction, and then offer the solution they would not have accepted had you not created the problem...

Globalist Irish Government To Import a Million Migrant Consumers to Rural Ireland, Yet Close Hundreds Of Rural Police Stations and Post Offices!

An Post, which is supposed to be and holds the mandate as the National Post Office for Ireland, seems to think it is a Private or Listed Corporation where ONLY profit matters and any action is justified which makes more profit. Certainly it is not following the plans of its bosses, the Irish Government, who wants to grow rural Ireland by flooding it with 3rd world migrants. Shortly after announcing the closure of many more rural Post Offices after 161 postmasters were allegedly offered voluntary redundancy, An Post has the gall to announce that around €10 Million will be invested in completely overhauling An Post's digital presence, all of which can be deleted at the push of a button or zapped in a potential extreme solar flare or a power failure rendering it useless.  They also acquired the domain name anpost. com from a US company for €10,000, despite already having and using anpost .ie. Globalist much?

Official Dail Records Are A “Makey-uppy” Thing – Oireachtas Transcripts Changed What Was Actually Said!

The official Dail transcript records Ms Chambers as having said: "Abortion regret is made up and it does not exist" though video from Thursday night clearly shows that she said: "Abortion regret is a makey-uppy thing. It doesn't exist." Three issues of concern are, firstly, where the ‘Official’ record, the Transcript is INCORRECT! It is a modified, edited version of what was Actually said. It proves a transcriber (or is there a subsequent upstream editor of the data?) interpreting and perverting reality... If this is possible as has happened in this case, with such ease and unconcern, what else has been retrospectively modified, erased, edited in all other ‘Official’ records of Oireachtas since the State was founded? Why do we wonder about the abundance of ‘Fake News’ when we can’t even retain the integrity of our own ‘Official’ records? The second point is the total dismissal of the Reality of abortion regret. Somehow LGBT people or illegal

Italy Says NO to #KalergiBoats! Communist Spain says YES. Will Spain be the next target for mass illegal immigration perpetrated by The Establishment and EU?

After nearly three quarters of a million African migrants have invaded Italy, the new government has said no more and banned the left wing migrant ferry ship ‘Aquarius’ with 629 african migrants on board from docking at its ports. Italy’s new government says it’s been left alone by the EU to deal with the uncontrolled influx of refugees.

Desperate to Signal Virtue and Appease “Unhelpful” EU, Irish Gov. and Catholic Church Sink Italy’s Challenge to the EU on Illegal Immigration

Showing its desperation to suck up to the EU, the Irish Government was the only European government to break ranks and offer to take some of the "refugees" in the standoff between Italy and the EU. Italy was attempting to force EU to reform its genocidal, inept and grossly corrupt policy on mass immigration. Italy's Foreign Minister and Deputy PM, Matteo Salvini, has been holding the standoff since Monday, demanding the EU step up to the plate. Apart from pointless rhetoric, calling Italy "unhelpful", the EU unhelpfully did nothing... During the week long standoff Salvini had said “The next ship can turn around and go back where it came from because our limit has been reached!”  Rome had even threatened to pull funding for the EU unless it agreed to take in some of those on board the Diciotti. On Sunday, after Ireland had offered to take in some of the migrants, Italy finally disembarked all 140 migrants from the "rescue" ship that had been docked

Homeschooling in Ireland triples as government perverts education system with cultural marxism and globalism

The number of homeschooled children has jumped in the past few years due to so called “School-phobia” a name the ignorant no doubt coined to deny the real reasons for the rise of more Irish parents homeschooling their children. Around 1,434 children had been registered as being homeschooled in September this year compared to the 439 children a decade ago. More children are being homeschooled by parents for “philosophical, educational, lifestyle, religious, and cultural reasons,” according to Tusla. A spokesperson for Home Education Ireland said that the number of homeschooled children have shot up particularly in the last two years. They said: “A lot of children find the system incredibly frustrating especially as they get older and must spend hours on subjects that do not engage them.” Half of schools affected by structural worries have been assessed Other reasons include increased anxiety and “school-phobia”, the Irish Daily Mail reports. But m

Putin brings hope of long term peace to Syria – can the refugees go back home now to rebuild their country?

Putin, Erdogan & Rouhani have agreed on holding a Syrian national dialogue congress in Sochi where an all-Syrian congress, which will see wide representation of the country’s opposition. Vladimir Putin with the Turkish and Iranian presidents, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Hassan Rouhani, backed the idea. #HelpThemBackHome Success on the battlefield has paved the way to […]
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#ZuckDucks Video: Nigel Farage, Facebook’s Largest User in Europe, Confronts Zuckerberg On Censoring Right Wing Opinions – Zuck Ducks as Usual

Nigel Farage who described himself as Facebook’s “biggest and best client” in Europe tried to pin down slippery Zuckerberg over Facebook’s anti right-wing bias, in Brussels with as little success as the US congress had. In Brussels, MEP Nigel Farage accused Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg of wilfully discriminating against right-wing political opinions on the platform. […]

France Colonises Africa’s Football Talent to Win World Cup – NO African Nation Made it to the last Stages!

Ever wonder why no African Nations manage to get to the final stages of World Cup competitions? Could it be that Europe is once again indulging in colonisation and stealing Africa's best talent?   Is it any wonder African nations struggle to get their countries on a firm stable footing or to achieve on the world stage, when their citizenry are constantly being raided by high minded Europeans who groom talented citizens of African nations, with promises of wealth, fame and fortune to come to Europe for free handouts. Is it any wonder African are happy to sell their grandmother and risk their lives on a Kalergi boat across the Med with human traffickers?
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