
Patriotism is now illegal in Occupied Germany. Merkel’s Occupation Regime and MultiNational Occupiers Treat Citizens as Enemy

It appears the war is over and anything deemed right of centre is now to be demonised, criminalised and castigated. A Patriotic German couple were taken to court and sentenced after they created a Facebook group that criticised migrants and the government’s mass migration policy. The couple, who live in the German town of Vierkirchen, stood […]

Will Germany Survive DELIBERATE Invasion from World Supremacist Dictators Using Muslims as Cannon Fodder?

Will Germany Survive the Attack from World Supremacist Dictators Using Muslims as Canon Fodder? Are World Supremacist Dictators and Oligarchs Deliberately bombing Muslim countries to create “refugees” to use to destroy European Nations? When one looks at the unreasonable and illogical, attitudes and reactions from these world Supremacists like Merkel, Hollande, Soros, Tusk, Obama, Clinton, EU, etc. […]
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