
1,000,000 British Children Raped by Muslim Men! This is Institutional Ethnic Cleansing because it is ONLY muslims doing it to ONLY white children!

1,000,000 British Children Raped by Muslim Men! – This is Institutional Ethnic Cleansing because it is ONLY muslims doing it to ONLY white children and the Establishment is allowing it and Islam encourages it! Only mass deportations and suspension of residence can save United Kingdom! There is no law in existence anywhere that protects an […]

The West Are Also Islam’s Useful Idiots: Iranian Who Fled Iran Says UK Becoming As Bad As Iran! 

The West Are Useful Idiots For Muslims: Iranian who Fled Iran, Says UK is Becoming What He Fled From in Iran - Totalitarian Islam Just like the Yasidi girl who fled Germany back to Iraq because her ISIS abuser had followed her to Germany, Elvis, who fled Iran to UK, feels like he is more in danger in UK than he was in the Islamic state if Iran! Allah was always on the side of whatever Mohammed did, giving him licence for lechery, or was it Mohammed using Allah as an excuse and justification for his evil? [embed][/embed] Apart from his child bride, Mohammed gave himself licence to have sex with anyone, even his daughter in law. His proclivity to killing women seems to be almost an execution of witnesses or victims... When a middle aged women wrote something not flattering about him, he ordered her to be killed. She was tied between two camels and torn limb from limb... Another women, Bint Marwahn was an educated Medina tribal leader, wh

Online scams, spamming & fraud OK, thought crimes bad – UK’s proposed internet law to prevent Red Pilling…

The UK has proposed a set of measures to regulate the internet by obliging tech giants to ‘protect’ users from ‘harmful’ content, with a watchdog blocking inappropriate websites and slapping fines on those refusing to cooperate. The proposals, outlined in a white paper by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, call for creating a new, independent watchdog (or granting sweeping powers to an existing one, like Ofcom) to monitor online traffic and, if necessary, to block access to websites. Besides eying "substantial" fines for non-compliance, lawmakers also want to see annual transparency reports from tech companies, and a full itinerary on how they addressed the dissemination of any harmful content. The regulator will also be empowered to hold individual executives of technology firms responsible if they fail to comply. The new regulations, proposed on Monday, are needed to battle rising concerns over the growth of violent content and disinform

#LyingLeo Has NO Mandate! Ireland MUST leave EU with its biggest trading partner, UK!

Ireland must leave! We said NO 3 times already! -  Lying Leo does not care about Ireland - he only cares about the new country he is creating with all his imported foreigners... The Irish Government and Lying Leo, who has no mandate as he was never elected by the people, is not offering the Irish a future, it is rather being offered to incoming migrants. The Irish instead are once again facing their tragic occupied and conquered past... and extinction... [embed][/embed] Just breathing Irish air or having an Irish passport does not make you Irish! Telling it like it is.... Listen in every week night to hear Alastriona Nic Arcail's Banríon Show where she says it like it is, on Irish News Radio at 8PM Links to listen on mobile: Android:;stream.mp3 BlackBerry:;stream.mp3 Iphone: Or tune in on (Player top ri

The UK Swamp: “Brits Viewed as a Threat by Their Globalist Government who Deliberately Keep Activities Secret from Them”!

A historian determined to blow the lid on the UK government’s shady international dealings is releasing hundreds of declassified documents on an online database. “The British public has little idea what has been done,” he told RT. Mark Curtis has recently created his own online database, aptly named ‘Declassified’ – a veritable A-Z of all […]

More Illegal Aliens Paying Crazy Money To Human Traffickers To Risk Life Crossing English Channel To Join Feeding Frenzy On UK’s Dying Carcass

Britain's Immigration Minister Caroline Nokes has said that a spike in illegal aliens crossing the Channel by boat was "deeply concerning", after dozens of people were rescued overnight. British border officials found 23 Iranians in three locations in Kent on England's southeast coast early Thursday, hours after French maritime authorities intercepted 11 migrants in a small boat near Sangatte. "The number of incidents over recent days is deeply concerning," said Nokes. "Some of this is clearly facilitated by organised crime groups while other attempts appear to be opportunistic." Nine Iranians, including three children, were the first to be found early Thursday on a beach near the Kent port town of Folkstone, after sailing from northern France in a 13-foot (four-metre) inflatable boat. Matt Crittenden, of the Littlestone-on-Sea lifeboat station, told AFP its search and rescue helicopter had spotted them and alerted police. "We realised they were safe and sound, a

Britain First’s Paul Golding on Banrion Show On Derry Bomb, BRexit, Jayda Fransen Leaving etc. 

Allastriona interviews Paul Golding from Britian First for an update and look at what 2019 has in store for Patriots. "Conservative" white Councilor in Worcester calls black Britain First activist a racist... The entire political establishment, biased media and left wing apologists are dead quiet about it and quietly allowing it to go ahead... [embed][/embed] Wake up and start fighting back - we will need to make sacrifices... so that we can hand down the heritage we inherited to our children... Telling it like it is.... Listen in every week night to hear Alastriona Nic Arcail's Banríon Show where she says it like it is, on Irish News Radio at 8PM Links to listen on mobile: Android:;stream.mp3 BlackBerry:;stream.mp3 Iphone: Or tune in on (Player top right).;stream.mp3 In order to remain ful

Unelected EU Supremacists vote to use Taxpayers Money to Brainwash EU Citizens with “Fake News”

Europe has entered a new Dark Age after a fledgling group set up by the European Commission to allegedly counteract “Russian propaganda” is to be expanded with more public cash and resources. European citizens will be funding mechanisms inducing their own ignorance and misinformation. This unilateral EU resolution on alleged ‘Russian propaganda’ is an attack on […]
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