
Varadkar’s Admission That “I Am The European Union” Is an Act of Treason in Cahoots With FF and SF

Leo Varadkar has now told you bluntly, if you have not realised it yet, that there is no Ireland and that he works for the European Union. The Irish EU regime (FG/FF/SF/PBP/SD) is too busy with secret deals to deal with the problems their virtue signalling has created. They are busy sucking up to every and all depravity, diversion and perversion that they can think up... [embed][/embed] To the EU and traitorous national leaders, the means is irrelevant, all that matters is the end goal, the destruction of the nation states through enforced racemixing and religious mixing and cultural mixing and mixing of customs and traditions... The entire political establishment, biased media and left wing apologists are dead quiet about it and quietly allowing it to go ahead... Wake up and start fighting back - we will need to make sacrifices... so that we can hand down the heritage we inherited to our children... Telling it like it is..

#MuslimPrivilege Islamic Attacks Have Nothing to Do With Islam According To Supremacist EU!

The traitorous establishment are pretending to be concerned by the fact that so called "islamophobia" increases after an Islamic Attack! Well duh! Having a fear of islam is a self defense mechanism one develops when exposed to the truth about Islam... A phobia is an irrational fear - fear of Islam is not irrational... It is not like Muslims are being gang raped or blown up or assimilated... A United Ireland inside EU is not an independent Ireland and is just a joke. Giving the six counties to EU is not a United Ireland, it is imperialism and empire... Please do consider making a donation, once off or regularly per month via: Patreon: Paypal: To the EU and traitorous national leaders, the means is irrelevant, all that matters is the end goal, the destruction of the nation states through enforced racemixing and religious mixing and cultural mixing and mixi

Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia Declare War on Islam and its Trojan Horses, The UN and EU

The Nations of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia have openly declared war on Islam and its Trojan Horses, The UN and European Union. The UN has been hijacked and subverted by Islam and its various organisations and have become a Trojan Horse to spread Islam. Money from Oil is used to spread this totalitarian doctrine to Western nations and buy influence and bribe locals. Will the Second Islamic War in Europe be the THIRD World War Started by Germany thanks to Herr Merkel - how was she ever re-elected? Germans will need to do some deep soul searching... [embed][/embed] The Police are incapable, unequipped and too scared of dealing with these issues. All are too scared of being labelled as a racist even if it has nothing to do with racism. Meanwhile the EU regime is too busy with secret deals to deal with the problems their virtue signalling has created. They are busy sucking up to every and all depravity, diversion and perversion that

Under Treason May, BRexit Will Accelerate only non-EU Mass Immigration With A Muslim Home Secretary!

Our normal guest Elvis, is having issues with the pro Islam fascist police in UK for talking about his persecution under Islamic rule in Iran as a christian. He lives in fear now in the UK as Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, who is muslim and a favourite to succeed Treason May, might be what muslims in UK are waiting for, as the Koran has specific instructions for Muslims once the country they are invading, gets an islamic leader... Will immigration "control" under the current muslim Home Secretary be an opportunity to stop migrants from Eastern Europe, who are traditionally more patriotic and christian, and import only muslim migrants? As it is the UNHCR has not sent any christian refugees to UK, only muslims...

#IslamoBaiting Austria Cracks down on Political Islam as “Islamophobia” Becomes a Weapon of Islamic Conquest!

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, the world’s youngest leader, last year ordered the closing of seven mosques and has begun deporting “radical” imams back to their homelands due to violations of a recent law in Austria that bans “political Islam”. “Parallel societies, politicized Islam or radical tendencies have no place in our country,” Mr. Kurz said at a press conference announcing the measures in Vienna, while railing against the disastrous results of multiculturalism in Western Europe.
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