
#NOtoRSE – Tomboys do NOT want to be boys! TV Viewers, Take Control Of Your Little Brain Now

Take control of your mind and reject the fake propaganda mainstream media that is trying to turn you into some transhuman transgender Frankenstein destined for a lifetime of not fitting in and emotional pain! It will create a generation of lost misfits that the following generation will have to fix. Tomboy girls do NOT want to be boys, they just like being outdoors, playing rough and dirty! Intervening in children's undeveloped sexuality is Frankensteinism creating lifetimes of imbalance and heartache and exclusion. Forcing sexuality onto innocent children is child abuse. By putting adult views on children we are creating a generation that has been systematically and institutionally been abused. This will made the Catholic Abuse like child's play... [embed][/embed] The entire political establishment, biased media and left wing apologists are dead quiet about it and quietly allowing it to go ahead... Wake up and start fig

Tribe Of Ancient Irish People Destroyed. TV Viewers, Take Control Of Your Little Brain Now!

The RTE Censorship of Noel Edmund's comments, shows why you should throw out your TV! Destroy it before you throw it out so that it does not infect someone else. Stop paying your licence fee and stop being brainwashed! Take control of your mind and reject the fake propaganda mainstream media! Tomboy girls do NOT want to be boys, they just like being outdoors, playing rough and dirty! [embed][/embed] Intervening in children's undeveloped sexuality is Frankensteinism creating lifetimes of imbalance and heartache and exclusion. By putting adult views on children we are creating a generation that has been systematically and institutionally been abused. This will made the Catholic Abuse like child's play... Media, Government and Banks are your enemy! The entire political establishment, biased media and left wing apologists are dead quiet about it and quietly allowing it to go ahead... Wake up and start fighting back - w

Collective Deniability: All But Two MPs in Dail Are Cowards – Allow Deviant Sex-Ed Bill To Pass Without Even Voting On It! When Good Men Do Nothing…

Fianna Fáil had been expected to oppose legislation but just two TDs sought vote - Legislation which provides for factual objective sex education without regard to a school’s ethos has unexpectedly passed second stage in the Dáil without a vote. When Leas Cheann Comhairle Pat ‘The Cope’ Gallagher asked those in favour of a vote to stand just two TDs - Independents Michael Harty and Mattie McGrath - rose. Fianna Fáil had indicated its opposition to the Provision of Objective Sex Education Bill over concerns about its effect on schools’ ethos and about curriculum issues being set in legislation. But the party did not support a vote against the legislation. A minimum of 10 TDs must want a vote for one to take place. The Bill was introduced by Solidarity TD Paul Murphy, who claimed sex education in Ireland was “in the dark ages” and affected by a school’s religious ethos. The Bill provides for education about consent, contraception, abortion
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