
Open Letter to Irish Minister Responsible for Forcibly Inserting Migrant Refugees into Small Rural Irish Villages

To: David Stanton, TD, Minister of State in the Department of Justice and Equality, responsible for Equality, Immigration and Integration. Dear Sir, you requested alternatives in your interview on Clare FM regarding Lisdoonvarna. Whilst these questions from a devil's advocate might seem brash to you, the tide is turning and you will soon have to answer this kind of question to a populist movement...

Ireland’s Government Thinks Irish DNA is SUBHUMAN and Plans to Spend Billions Replacing The Irish!

In a classic example of cold meticulously planned genocide, this deal with the devil is a horror story that is being played out time and again in the rural heartland of all European Nations. The Irish example, with its upcoming referendum on Abortion, clearly illustrates and exemplifies the rape and destruction of Europeans, in exchange for Coin, disguised as the "moral high road". This well practiced act of crime against humanity, that is being inflicted upon the very defenseless, well meaning citizens of European nations is nothing other than Selling out Kith, Kin and Country for Coin or False Virtue.
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