
#EurAfrica YOUR Government Has Already Agreed to Turn Europe into Africa. Hungary Has Devised Ingenious Opt Out! Video

HUNGARY SAYS NO! Refuses to sign Marrakesh Declaration that will massively increase legal immigration to the EU from the Middle East and African nations. Hungary on Wednesday refused to endorse a statement on migration adopted at a Euro-African ministerial conference in Marrakesh, the foreign minister said, calling the document “an extremely pro-migration statement that goes against Hungary’s interests”.

The NEW WORLD ORDER was not a conspiracy theory after all! It commences December 11, 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco!

So, the NEW WORLD ORDER was not a conspiracy theory after all! The world supremacist United Nations and its greedy Multinational sponsors have schemed and planned and goaded and manipulated and bribed over the last few years, culminating in acceptance of their contract with the devil on December 11, 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco. where all our treasonous leaders will sign over authority for all our country's borders, to the United Nations.
In true Liberal World Order deceptive double
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