
“Out Of Africa” Finally Debunked? Africans Have an Archaic Admixture NOT found in Europeans and Asians (Video)

The Out of Africa hypothesis, much propagandised by globalist mainstream media and Establishment might have finally been inadvertently disproven by the Establishment itself through DNA technology and testing! It is already known Africans do NOT contain DNA from Neanderthals and Denisovans, that Europeans and Asians do, but it now appears Africans have ancient DNA that Europeans and Asians do NOT have either! This would make the much vaunted Out of Africa theory mutually exclusive and thus improbable. Sub-Saharan Africa is, geographically, the area of the continent of Africa that lies south of the Sahara. The first large-scale study of ancient human DNA from sub-Saharan Africa opens a long-awaited window into the identity and origins of prehistoric populations. Whole-genome sequences of Sub-Saharan tribal DNA shows that the ancestors of the hunter-gatherers interbred, be it through rape or otherwise, with one or more archaic human populations, and contributed archaic g

EU Rent Boy Leo Varadkar Now Calls Conquered Ireland “The EU” while Chinese Boy is called “Irish”! 

EU Rent Boy Varadkar Now Calls Conquered Ireland "The EU" while a Chinese Boy in Ireland, and all migrants and illegals are now suddenly also Irish? Is the whole world Irish now? Ireland Has Been Conquered by the fear of One Little Word. Just one little weaponised word, "racism" has turned this entire generation into an enslaved failure. Ireland has been conquered by this one little word. [embed]https://youtu.be/Ln6QPHn4n8A[/embed] The broken Irish Soul of the Irish people needs to be reconnected with their culture, history and heritage. The conquest of Globalism needs to be stopped before it is all gone and we relive the Famine years again... and another 700 years of subjugation! Also tonight: Exposing Institutional Anti-White Racism in Ireland Where the Big Guilt Stick Drives Black Privilege and a Multi Million Pound Anti Racism Industry... Alastriona questions the narrative that Blacks and Asians are victims because the left wing oligarch
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