End of the Right to Life in Ireland’s Constitution January-May 2018

End of the Right to Life in Ireland’s Constitution January-May 2018

These are all clips from RTE (Ireland's National Broadcaster) of the abortion debate prior to the Plebiscite (to call it a Referendum is a misnomer as its undemocratic and morally wrong for a majority to remove the FOUNDATIONAL human right TO LIFE from a minority of fellow human beings to the extremist ideology of killing them and robbing them of ALL their human rights). The result was as shocking as it was one of devastation personally for many who worked so hard to avoid this truly national tragedy. Generations after us will be embarrassed by this descendance to a dark chapter in our history. Weep indeed for your country!
Lee Walsh

Lee Walsh

Seeking the truth.
March for Life 2018 – Moment of Reckoning

March for Life 2018 – Moment of Reckoning

Donate to the Abortion Never campaign http://abortionnever.ie Follow Abortion Never on Twitter Tweets by AbortionNeverIE “O wise men, riddle me this: what if the dream come true? What if the dream come true? and if millions unborn shall dwell In the house that I shaped in my heart, the noble house of my thought?” Pádraig […]
Maria Steen interview on the 8th Amendment with Eamonn Dunphy January 2018

Maria Steen interview on the 8th Amendment with Eamonn Dunphy January 2018

Maria Steen gives a superb interview on the 8th Amendment. So sad that so many did not listen to her! Our country is now plunged into a new Dark Age. Who would ever have thought that the Irish people would vote to kill the most vulnerable of our fellow human beings on would should be the safest haven for a child to be - their very own mother's womb! A very high price will be paid by so many for this truly gutless, barbaric & mindless decision!
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