Western Europe206 Videos


US Independence Day and BRexit is about standing up to Occupation Governments and their blackmail, supremacy and indoctrination.

US Independence Day and BRexit is about standing up Occupation Governments and their blackmail, supremacy and indoctrination (brainwashing). Ironically BRexit was the day when the old conqueror declared independence from conquest. Independence in the modern era is stil about conquest by deceit, lies and brute force of blackmail and brainwashing… all that is different is the […]

Italy Votes NO to EU Supremacy! Austria sadly falls to Mass Media & Establishment Brainwashing, Blackmail & Fake News

Italy has voted NO to EU Supremacy! Austria however has fallen to Mass Media & Establishment Brainwashing, Blackmail, Fake News and Russo Phobia. Italy’s PM Renzi has ceded defeat, and plans to resign after a decisive ‘No’ vote in the constitutional referendum. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi says he takes full responsibility for the crashing […]
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