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#EurAfrica YOUR Government Has Already Agreed to Turn Europe into Africa. Hungary Has Devised Ingenious Opt Out! Video

HUNGARY SAYS NO! Refuses to sign Marrakesh Declaration that will massively increase legal immigration to the EU from the Middle East and African nations. Hungary on Wednesday refused to endorse a statement on migration adopted at a Euro-African ministerial conference in Marrakesh, the foreign minister said, calling the document “an extremely pro-migration statement that goes against Hungary’s interests”.

Catalan Independence Hot Potato Lands Right on EU Supremacist Merkel’s Lap in Germany!

In an interview from prison in Germany, exiled Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont has said: "I’m not a criminal".  The Catalan president in exile, Carles Puigdemont said he is “not a criminal” in the first interview since his arrest. The exiled leader reaffirmed the region’s campaign for independence, saying it’s based on democracy and non-violence.

Catalans flood Brussels to demand EU impartiality

Police in the Belgian capital estimates that around 45 000 people attended the rally where ousted Regional President Carles Puigedemont addressed a huge crowd on the European commission’s failure to act against the Spanish government. Independence supporters flooded Brussels on Thursday morning chanting in train carriages and on station platforms, as well as in the […]

Spain Threatens to Seize Control of Catalan Finances in Light of Upcoming Referendum

The Spanish government has given the regional government in Catalonia 48 hours to abandon “illegal” referendum plans or lose budgetary powers. Finance Minister Cristóbal Montoro said a mechanism had been approved for the state to take control of the autonomous region’s finances. Madrid is seeking to stop the Catalan government spending public money on its […]
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