Rape21 Videos


Six Illegal Aliens Hold Belgian Women as Sex Slave for Two Months in Italy!

Italian authorities are investigating claims of a 32-year-old Belgian woman who says she was kidnapped by six migrants and forced into sexual slavery for two months. The 32-year-old claimed to have been kidnapped by the six Tunisian migrants and held from January to February 2017 in the city of Sanremo which lies in the north-west along the Italian Riviera, 7sur7 reports. Investigators say that the woman, who lives on the Côte d’Azur, approached one of the men involved who offered to sell her drugs on the night of January the 10th. The man took the opportunity to then force the woman to one of the homes of the migrants where she said she was repeatedly raped while being tied to a bed. A French girl escapes her illegal migrant boyfriend using a knotted bed sheet to climb down from a 9th-floor apartment. According to the victim, the six men were all from Tunisia and were aged between 23 and 50 years old. She also described that one of the men would stand guard in

Palestinian Muslim Says Rape is Not A Crime, Yet Still The Left Puts Islam Above All Others

Islam says "Smile while in your heart you know Christians and Jews are your enemies". People keep quiet because are afraid of Islam and afraid of being accused of racism which is a big hole they will fall into, which is exacerbated by the violent rhetoric of Islam. Islam has even hijacked and captured Hyde Park corner effectively preventing the freedom of speech that it is famous for... So there are many marriages that are not in the system in UK, but are official for Muslims, so there is no telling what happens. So a man can have 4 wives yet each women gets single mother welfare / allowance. Muslim women have to pay 300 pounds for a divorce. A man just has to say the word divorce three times! [embed]https://youtu.be/uun1-ye5s7A[/embed] A man can remarry a women, but before a women can re-marry the same man, she first has to sleep with another man, but if that other man refuses to divorce her again, the first man loses out. Marriages can last even a few

Dutch Councilor Commits Suicide After Muslim Rape Gang Rapes and Blackmails Her To Silence Her Politically!

RAPE AS A TOOL OF CONQUEST. A Dutch anti-immigrant politician has taken her own life after releasing video revealing that a Muslim rape gang had kidnapped and raped her, and have been blackmailing her to silence her politically. The City councilor in The Hague and member of the Freedom Party has taken her own life, hours after posting a video on Facebook in which she revealed she was gang-raped by Muslims as part of an intimidation campaign.

Willie Dille, 53, reportedly ended her own life on Wednesday, shortly after sharing a video on social media in which she claimed to have been kidnapped and raped by a Muslim gang over a year ago. She said that she had been threatened and that she feared for her life. Dille also said that fellow Hague city councilor Arnoud van Doorn is behind

Gotcha! Tommy Robinson Stings Sky News! Sky edits interview to create a lie and propaganda

He recorded the entire interview on an iPhone aswell, so he could wait for them to edit it and create the lie, and then expose them with the evidence! Like they have done for many years to show you the true face of the main stream media propaganda machine. https://youtu.be/_joyhNeWfeU   Please complain to Ofcom about this lying journalist and Sky's propaganda here:

Why is the Left so Quick to Excuse Rape? Continental Edition

For all of the talk of compassion that comes from the Left, even a cursory glance at the horrors being perpetrated against the women of Europe reveal these claims to be at best ignorantly one-sided and at worst deliberately duplicitous. By 2030, it is estimated that one in four Swedish women and girls will have […]
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