Nationalism/Nationalist Movements5 Videos


Ireland’s 1919 Constitution versus Globalism – Why it had to go in Post War Purge of Nationalism 

A Look at Ireland's 1919 Constitution before Globalism Arrived in the Post War Purge - Exposes Current Political Aims and Ireland's Shameful Subservience to Globalist Supremacists

While the un-elected EU rejects Italy's own sovereign budget set by its elected leaders, Ireland seems to be addicted to enslavement and happily accepts all EU's edicts. Even letting Berlin decide its previous budget for it a few years ago.

Fortunately there are other countrie

Ireland – Moving Forward with Mr Justin Barrett & The Don

Ireland with The Don & Special Guest Justin Barrett of The National Party

The Don and me were joined by Irish Patriot and Leader of The National Party Mr Justin Barrett. We discussed the changes Ireland has been experiencing and how these may be rectified going forward. We also discussed the National Idea, a term coined by the National Party, but which has always been a core tenant […]

Czech Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself: Lessons from the V4 (and Beyond)

As Rav Ashi was walking abroad one day he saw some grapes growing in a roadside vineyard, and sent his servant to see whom they belonged to. “If they belong to a Gentile,” he said, “bring some here to me, but if they belong to an Israelite, do not meddle with them.” (Bava Kama, Fol. 113, […]

Seeing Beyond Limits: The Alt-Right as Anti-Myopia

Gordian Knots of Denial The ideas of the Alt-Right concern truths, and therefore priorities, belonging to the bigger picture. To refute or be blind to such matters requires myopia, either intentional, self-deluding, or via genuine confusion. “Can’t see the forest for the trees.” The world is comprised of particles. Knowing each particle should lead to […]
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