Cork22 Videos


David Stanton, Minister Secretly Inserting “Refugees” into Small Rural Irish Villages, Ignores Alternative Solutions He Requested

Over five months ago, David Stanton, TD, Minister of State in the Department of Justice and Equality, responsible for Equality, Immigration and Integration, requested alternatives for accommodating refugees and migrants in an interview on Clare FM. This was during the outcry when the charming Irish village of Lisdoonvarna was faced with having 100 "refugees", equal to a third of their population, forcibly inserted into their midsts, despite having consistently said no to this proposal and voting unanimous vote for no. Genocidal David Stanton even admitted on TV that residents do not have a say. We sent the Minister a letter outlining alternatives, and despite having acknowledged receipt on 21st March, at both his official email addresses, we have still heard nothing. Indeed they continue to accept refugees in record numbers, without any transparency, whilst not deporting failed or false claimants further clogging up the system and exacerbating the problem.

Official Dail Records Are A “Makey-uppy” Thing – Oireachtas Transcripts Changed What Was Actually Said!

The official Dail transcript records Ms Chambers as having said: "Abortion regret is made up and it does not exist" though video from Thursday night clearly shows that she said: "Abortion regret is a makey-uppy thing. It doesn't exist." Three issues of concern are, firstly, where the ‘Official’ record, the Transcript is INCORRECT! It is a modified, edited version of what was Actually said. It proves a transcriber (or is there a subsequent upstream editor of the data?) interpreting and perverting reality... If this is possible as has happened in this case, with such ease and unconcern, what else has been retrospectively modified, erased, edited in all other ‘Official’ records of Oireachtas since the State was founded? Why do we wonder about the abundance of ‘Fake News’ when we can’t even retain the integrity of our own ‘Official’ records? The second point is the total dismissal of the Reality of abortion regret. Somehow LGBT people or illegal
Sunday Reflection 04 – Lepers and the Church Community in 2019

Sunday Reflection 04 – Lepers and the Church Community in 2019

Source: Fr Maurice and Fr Marius, from St Mary's Church in Cork, bring us their Sunday Reflection. This week they talk about the lepers and the lessons we can take from them in building and maintaining Catholic communities in 2019

Cometh The Women, Cometh The Hour – Could Gemma O’Doherty Be New Renua’s New Leader?

Gemma O'Doherty who has been shaking up the system in recent months has finally had enough of the sorry state that Ireland is in, and has decided to launch herself in politics. She hosted a livestream on Youtube announcing her intention to start an anti-corruption, anti-establishment movement which attracted a thousand live viewers. During this livestream we asked Gemma what she thought of Renua and she responded favourably, going so far as to say she has a lot of time for Neil O'Mahony, the recently elected Chairman of Renua. This is significant, because whilst Renua as it is, is probably not anti establishment enough for Gemma, the recent election of Neil O'Mahony, a vocal critic of the establishment, immigration, the Health Service etc. shows the direction that Renua members want the party to go. Like Gemma, Renua is already tough on crime and corruption with Law and Order being one of their "Six Pillars". Renua are certainly looking at ways to bring the out of c

Ireland Last? Even Spain Wakes Up With A Populist Party: VOX Pledges to Put Spanish First and Make Spain Great Again!

Must Ireland be destroyed first before the irish wake up? It seems that the Irish and Europeans in general are so brainwashed and ensconced in their materialistic comfort zones, that the only way a patriotic populist party arises, is after the mass importation of illegal aliens by their EU proxy government. After Spain took in more than any other European nation this year, at least 13,000 Spaniards have come to their senses and joined a rally of the fledgling VOX party in Madrid last month and polls indicate that up to half a million would vote for them today!
VOX a patriotic political party that vows to “defend Spain” from immigration, independence movements and political correctness. Suddenly being called "far right" by the left wing mainstream media seems not so bad anymore... in fact it appears to be the only hope for the future of our nation states.
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