Morality19 Videos


USA will soon be more Irish than Ireland! Nazism has come to Ireland HD

USA will soon be more Irish than Ireland! Nazism has come to Ireland which is being pushed off the cliff into Totalitarianism. Voting for Michael D again is one of the most blatantly flabbergasting acts the Irish have committed in recent years, and there have been quite a few. What is even scarier is what are they going to replace Ireland with? Already there is a Europe wide Blasphemy law to protect Islamic Pedophiles, implemented on the very day brainwashed Ireland voted to remove the Blasphemy law which protected Christianity... The occupation regime has complete control of the country and soon there will be no Ireland anymore... Weaponising and using Feelings to Force Us into Diversity. Ireland did not "Become" Diverse, it is Deliberately and Forcibly Being Made Multicultural by Ruling Elites and Oligarchs Using "Fweelings" as a weapon... WAKING UP IN A MENTAL HOME: A typical example is

ALERT! Dating Apps Are The New Weapon To Secretly Commit White Genocide and Trick You Into Racemixing!

PUBLIC HEALTH WARNING! If your Dating APP or Dating Sites does not allow you to choose the race of your preferred potential matches and dates, delete your profile now! There are many dating services that DO allow you to set the preference of your intended partners! (Here is an example of a dating site where you can specify what races you want contacting you).  So you thought it was bad enough that the genocidal left and supremacist tech giant firms do not allow dating sites purely for white people, whilst allowing and  promoting many sites purely for Blacks or Asians, as hypocritical and racist as that is, they have now crept even lower into the gutter and plan to manipulate you into racemixing by fiddling with the algorithms... as if their constant mainstream media pro racemixing propaganda were not enough!

As most true believers in true diversity, not the false diversity p

Seeing Beyond Limits: The Alt-Right as Anti-Myopia

Gordian Knots of Denial The ideas of the Alt-Right concern truths, and therefore priorities, belonging to the bigger picture. To refute or be blind to such matters requires myopia, either intentional, self-deluding, or via genuine confusion. “Can’t see the forest for the trees.” The world is comprised of particles. Knowing each particle should lead to […]
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