migrant invasion62 Videos

Will A Post UN Migration Pact Irish Province of EU Be A Globalist Hellhole or Utopian Fantasy? 

What will a post UN Migration Pact Irish Province of The EU look like? Globalist Hellhole or Utopian Fantasy? The delusion that Ireland is in any way independent or sovereign is very quickly being evaporated, as the world supremacists pivot and come out openly with their imperialist globalist ambitions for a One World Government. Despite ample evidence of countries that have already been "liberalised" or conquered by left wing globalism, that have become hellholes for its own citizens or indigenous people, Western nations like Ireland are still running at full pace into this Orwellian nightmare. Just like some Jews believed the stories that they were going to holiday camps when they got on the trains, or the 1820 Settlers were told about cheap land in the Cape Colony which was actually using them as a buffer between the Colony and marauding African tribes, or like South Africans who were told there would be "checks and balances" to secure their civilisation if they
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