migrant invasion62 Videos


Irish Children Are Second Class Citizens in Their Own Schools and in Their Own Country!

On The Banrion Show on Irish News Radio: Irish Children Are Now Second Class Citizens in Own Their Schools and Their Own Country! Foreign kids are inserted into local schools, where limits on class sizes are removed to make way for foreign kids. This holds back the Irish kids whilst the teacher teaches migrant kids basic english. George Soros is now also buying into Trinity students to further brainwash them with cultural marxism. [embed]https://youtu.be/7Z-9w1MgxUI[/embed] Just breathing Irish air or having an Irish passport does not make you Irish! The Irish Government and Lying Leo, who has no mandate as he was never elected by the people, is not offering the Irish a future, it is rather being offered to incoming migrants. The Irish instead are once again facing their tragic occupied and conquered past... and extinction... Telling it like it is.... Listen in every week night to hear Alastriona Nic Arcail's Banríon Show where she says it like it is, on Irish N

UN Pact Signed – Already UN Starts Dumping Hordes of “Programmed Migrants” to Ireland’s Heartlands

2018 will go down in history as the year The E.U. and U.N. took Possession of Ireland and commenced the Invasion with Programmed Refugees under the Programmed Immigration plan which is part of the Regularisation scheme - yes all very official sounding which has been planned 10 years ago already... Derek McCabe from Roscommon explains to our listeners... The plan includes legalising visa overstayers, of which 85% of visa students overstay - these directives and laws go back to 2007 and 2008 just before the crash. Ireland has no police force, just a guard service run by a British subject... [embed]https://youtu.be/hfPQMGdvuQM[/embed] The 110 lebanese refugees coming to Roscommon are undocumented an were sent by the UN. They will be given two months supply of food. The refugee crisis is a local issue and protest and voting must be done locally! Uncontrolled migration erodes public confidence, damages economies, and places those on the move in situations of intense
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