migrant invasion62 Videos


#GetAngry Irish Regime Giving Migrants Privileged Status While Oppressing Real Irish!

The Irish State is becoming more Anti Semitic and Anti Irish, yet falls over itself to ingratiate itself with migrants and non irish and give them privileged status with free everything! Once the "new Irish" have used up all of the resources in Ireland and turned it into a replica of their home countries, they can go back home, the indigenous irish have nowhere to run to and have every right to be put first in their own indigenous homeland. The Irish Primary Principals' Network has said 27% of primary schools have children in their school that are homeless. [embed]https://youtu.be/N2jxyDO8E6s[/embed] According to a recent survey carried out by the IPPN, homelessness can often impact on children’s school attendance and result in reduced participation in school life and learning. IPPN CEO, Pairic Clerkin, said schools can often be a safe haven for children experiencing homelessness. Mr Clerkin said: "The homeless issue is one in that we have 27% of our schools wi

Desperate to Signal Virtue and Appease “Unhelpful” EU, Irish Gov. and Catholic Church Sink Italy’s Challenge to the EU on Illegal Immigration

Showing its desperation to suck up to the EU, the Irish Government was the only European government to break ranks and offer to take some of the "refugees" in the standoff between Italy and the EU. Italy was attempting to force EU to reform its genocidal, inept and grossly corrupt policy on mass immigration. Italy's Foreign Minister and Deputy PM, Matteo Salvini, has been holding the standoff since Monday, demanding the EU step up to the plate. Apart from pointless rhetoric, calling Italy "unhelpful", the EU unhelpfully did nothing... During the week long standoff Salvini had said “The next ship can turn around and go back where it came from because our limit has been reached!”  Rome had even threatened to pull funding for the EU unless it agreed to take in some of those on board the Diciotti. On Sunday, after Ireland had offered to take in some of the migrants, Italy finally disembarked all 140 migrants from the "rescue" ship that had been docked

Interview with Paul Golding and Paul Rimmer from Britain First

Alastriona gets an Update from Paul Golding and also Paul Rimmer about what Britain First have been up to in NI. They discuss the left knowing they have lost the argument and are getting more extreme in their desperation. Discussing the way forward... Wake up and start fighting back - we will need to make sacrifices... so that we can hand down the heritage we inherited to our children... [embed]https://youtu.be/Sg9k-W0Jm3Q[/embed] Telling it like it is.... Listen in every week night to hear Alastriona Nic Arcail's Banríon Show where she says it like it is, on Irish News Radio at 8PM Links to listen on mobile: Android:;stream.mp3 BlackBerry:;stream.mp3 Iphone: Or tune in on www.IrishNews.net (Player top right).;stream.mp3 In order to remain fully independent and not compromised or subservient to globalist advertisers or special interests,

Salvini Threatens To Sue Fake Rescue NGOs For Not Going To Nearest Safe Port!

Italy's interior minister Matteo Salvini said on Sunday he was gathering legal evidence against the crew of a Dutch-flagged rescue ship as calls grew for 47 migrants to be allowed to land. "We have concrete elements to declare that the captain and crew of the Sea Watch 3 have put the lives of those on board at risk by disobeying precise directions days ago to disembark them in the nearest port, not Italy!" he said. "The evidence will be handed to the judicial authorities," he said, accusing captain and crew of "a crime and a clear desire to use these immigrants in a political battle". Salvini has refused to open the ports to the mainly sub-Saharan African migrants rescued in the Mediterranean over a week ago, saying the ship had had a chance to make port as it sailed through Libyan, Tunisian and Maltese waters. "The interior minister is gathering elements to evaluate whether to press charges against the entire Sea Watch crew for favouring illegal immigration," the

Where Have All The Paddies Gone – Irish Expats in UK Replaced by 3rd World Migrants 

Theresa May's government is following marxist egalitarian policies and trying their utmost to trick BRexiteer into staying in the EU while pretending they are leaving. Marxism is loyalty to the system and to the party, not to the people. The result is even worse: UK will be subject to EU laws and regulations WITHOUT any say in those laws and regulations! It is classic vassaldom and conquest. When a moslem discharges a shotgun onto a Caribbean carnival from a car, no one knows about it, but if it were white people... [embed]https://youtu.be/h7c4OGZxWTA[/embed] UK does not put up with tyrants, how far can they be pushed before civil war erupts. How long will the left's lies be tolerated? How long till people see through the nicey nicey marxism? If that is not bad enough, there is an alliance between Islam and our traitor governments... Theresa May clearly wants to hand NI over to The EU! Time for Anglo Celtic Solidarity? Theresa May wants to Hand NI over to The EU

UK Gov Will Use UN Migration Pact To Class Welfare Payments To Migrants As Foreign Aid!

The treasonous UK Government has finally responded to the Petition calling for them not to sign the UN Global Migration Pact and hidden in it is a bombshell admission! Now we know why our governments have been steadily INCREASING Foreign Aid budgets! Don Murray critiques the response: [embed]https://youtu.be/CEenfg5_qqQ[/embed]   UK Government responded on 7 December 2018 with the following: The Global Compact for Migration will support global co-operation on migration without affecting the sovereignty of all countries to control their own borders. Read the response in full Uncontrolled migration erodes public confidence, damages economies, and places those on the move in situations of intense vulnerability. The UK is taking significant steps to tackle uncontrolled migration by: - Addressing the root causes of migration, through our targeted assistance for livelihoods, healthcare, education and economic development - Tackling modern slavery and organised i

How Obedient Mainstream Media and Police Are Coerced Into Providing Propaganda Platform For Islam

The Irish Times appears complicit in an article they wrote in 2016, possibly at the request of muslim leaders, in that it fails to do any real investigative work and simply allows itself to be used as a propaganda platform to put Islam in a good light and not entertain any critical or even slight discretionary glance. But this is what we have gotten used to the hogtied press who even accept bribes from the government to publish "good news" stories about the governments plan to invade Ireland with Africans and Asians in their "Ireland 2040" plan! In the article, no non Muslim or member of the accused "right wing" were interviewed and certainly no "unbiased" academic or opposing viewpoint was interviewed. [embed]https://youtu.be/Ovp8HMdty2s[/embed] We decided to see what we could do despite not have any financial backing or support, unlike the well funded Irish Times... We spoke to a Christian Iranian who fled Iran after the Islamic revolution. He knows Arabic and I

Varadkar Refuses To Give Nurses Increases Yet Gave Massive Increases To Migrants, Foreign Aid, etc, etc..

37,000 nurses and midwives have taken to the picket line outside hospitals and HSE facilities. They are demanding pay increases and government action on staff shortages. Margaret Frahill, Nurse Manager at Mercy Hospital, Cork, says that when students reach their fourth year in college they are already considering either leaving the country or leaving the profession. She also says that more experienced nurses are leaving due to stress and burnout. "The HSE aren't listening," said Ms Frahill. "They know the salary doesn't relate to other countries. They know we're leaving in droves. "Yet they are recruiting from abroad. They are spending €10,000 on a nurse to come in from abroad, from the Philipines or India." People are also being advised to only attend emergency departments if it is essential. "We have to do it. Enough is enough," said one of the nurses picketing outside Connolly Hospital in Blanchardstown in Dublin. "It's time that we got

UK Gov Will Use UN Migration Pact To Class Welfare Payments To Migrants As Foreign Aid!

The treasonous UK Government has finally responded to the Petition calling for them not to sign the UN Global Migration Pact and hidden in it is a bombshell admission!

Now we know why our governments have been steadily INCREASING Foreign Aid budgets!

Don Murray critiques the response:


UK Government responded on 7 December 2018 with the following:



Will UN Migration Pact Trigger Global Chaos and WWIII? Elites Want To Be Our Gods! 

Elites Fight God to Appoint Themselves as our gods with their own Degenerate Moral Code! Have Courage To Get Angry! The Liberal World Order has been working for decades to take over our world and enslave humanity as their subjects, serfs and slaves. The signing of the UN Global Migration Pact on 11 December will usher in this New World Order when UN will take over control of country's borders! This will surely end in chaos as billions of humans will flood West, turning it into a 3rd world hellhole! [embed]https://youtu.be/UtfBEJpM3Ks[/embed] Immigration is The New Holodomor and Holocaust and another Irish Famine to Ethnically Cleanse and Disenfranchise The Irish and Europeans From Their Own Homeland, Heritage and Country! The powers that be want to create a low wage mixed race European Federation and they have the power to do it - they own the banks, the media, the multinationals and governments. At the highest level there is a war where elites want to remove an
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