Middle East21 Videos


1,000,000 British Children Raped by Muslim Men! This is Institutional Ethnic Cleansing because it is ONLY muslims doing it to ONLY white children!

1,000,000 British Children Raped by Muslim Men! – This is Institutional Ethnic Cleansing because it is ONLY muslims doing it to ONLY white children and the Establishment is allowing it and Islam encourages it! Only mass deportations and suspension of residence can save United Kingdom! There is no law in existence anywhere that protects an […]

Putin brings hope of long term peace to Syria – can the refugees go back home now to rebuild their country?

Putin, Erdogan & Rouhani have agreed on holding a Syrian national dialogue congress in Sochi where an all-Syrian congress, which will see wide representation of the country’s opposition. Vladimir Putin with the Turkish and Iranian presidents, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Hassan Rouhani, backed the idea. #HelpThemBackHome Success on the battlefield has paved the way to […]

Why Did World’s Biggest Superpower NOT sign UN Migration Pact? UN Using Migrants as Cannon Fodder

The U.N. has a history of powergrabs, more recently it tried to grab control of the internet! Now it is virtually loading Migrants Into cannons and firing them off to all stupid conquered nations, to destroy their identity and break down their civil society. The UN Migration Pact is a Red Line that has been crossed! Are you With Us, Against Globalist Supremacists or are you a Traitor against us? [embed]https://youtu.be/e-g9e2sfL_0[/embed] Please like, share and subscribe. Also do consider donating to our efforts: https://www.patreon.com/eurowars We look in detail at the reasons the United States did not sign the globalist United Nations Compact on Migration. We also look at why the United Nations should be charged with Genocide! We forgot! The Secretary General of The UN ended the UN Migration Pact adoption conference by saying borders are just lines on a map, and that this compact will help reduce the profound inequities of the lottery of birth. Did we forget tha

Israel Sets Leading Example in Defending True Diversity by Deporting Illegal African Migrants or Jailing Them

Deportation or jail: Israel gives African migrants 60-day deadline to leave country  and has started issuing deportation orders to African migrants, giving them 60 days to return to their home countries or opt for an unnamed safe haven. Those failing to meet the deadline risk being sent to prison. Israel's Population, Immigration and Border Authority delivered the first batch of notices Sunday, telling migrants they have to leave before April 1. The notification says the government arranged their relocation to “a safe third country.” In addition to the travel documents and free plane tickets, the migrants will receive a $3,500 cash payment.

Israel Attacked Chemical Weapons Plant in Syria, Local Reports Claim

Syria confirms: Israel targeted military facility, killing two. Incident comes amid massive Israeli anti-Hezbollah drill, weeks after outgoing air force chief admits Israel attacks weapons convoys. The Israeli military struck Thursday a chemical arms plant in Syria, foreign media reports claimed. The Syrian army general command confirmed in a statement the attack on what they […]
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