Replacement Migration82 Videos


#UNexit UN, EU Plan 10 Million Illegals A Year To Europe After UN Migration Pact is Signed!

#UNexit UN, EU Plan 10 Million Illegals A Year To Europe After UN Migration Pact is Signed December 11 by Ireland! The UN & EU Are Doubling Down on Their Invasion Before EU Elections in May knowing the voters will rise up! Ireland is in big trouble! Castigating those who resist is the Establishment's Priority You will have no right to speak about your wife, daughter or sister or mother being raped or murdered... [embed][/embed] Sign Petition: Some statistics on immigration into Europe in the last few years so you have context for what the UN is planning: 78% of Europeans want their borders tightened. The people of Europe do NOT get to vote on this agreement or the levels of immigration the EU is dictating to its members. 94% of 2.8k people polled (to date) are against the new UN compact for migration. 70% of Europeans said they believe that a growing Muslim presence is a problem. 8 percen
Abusive immigrant at work

Abusive immigrant at work

Abusive immigrant at work, employed by a greedy employer at the expense of an Irish citizen and in this case led to the horrific abuse of an elderly woman.

France Colonises Africa’s Football Talent to Win World Cup – NO African Nation Made it to the last Stages!

Ever wonder why no African Nations manage to get to the final stages of World Cup competitions? Could it be that Europe is once again indulging in colonisation and stealing Africa's best talent?   Is it any wonder African nations struggle to get their countries on a firm stable footing or to achieve on the world stage, when their citizenry are constantly being raided by high minded Europeans who groom talented citizens of African nations, with promises of wealth, fame and fortune to come to Europe for free handouts. Is it any wonder African are happy to sell their grandmother and risk their lives on a Kalergi boat across the Med with human traffickers?

Kevin Sharkey Goes Strangely Cultural Marxist in Bid To Convince Kilkenny County Council to Support His Presidential Nomination!

In what looks like a complete U-Turn on his policies to date, Kevin Sharkey has seemingly embraced all the Cultural Marxism weapons in his attempt to secure the nomination from Kilkenny County Council for his Presidential bid. No doubt wanting to appeal to the left wing establishment and not wanting to leave out any opportunity to virtue signal to the Council Members, Kevin professed his support for mass immigration, "new irish", gay marriage and even overt anti-racism.

“Make Africa Part of Europe” – World Supremacist George Soros Invokes The Oldest Communist Trick: Problem, Reaction, Solution!

The EU really is in trouble. YES! After Trump, BRexit and possibly Italy cutting of the cashflow to stop the world supremacist's enforcing their socialist engineering one world government fantasies on the world, it appears they are doubling down and going for broke! George Soros has just confirmed all conspiracy theorists to be spot on! The Communist Maxim is: Create a problem, callously wait for the reaction, and then offer the solution they would not have accepted had you not created the problem...

EU Institutionalises Racism, Black Privilege and Black Supremacy! Elevates Blacks In Europe To Privileged Class!

EU passes a resolution calling for Africans in Europe to receive preferential treatment A few days ago the EU passed a resolution called “Fundamental Rights of People of African Descent in Europe.” It was introduced by a member of the British Labour party who was born in India. The resolution calls for preferential treatment for “Afro-Europeans” of “sub-Saharan African descent” to counter the alleged effects of “Afrophobia.” African migrants living in Europe typically have a far higher standard of living than their counterparts in Africa. They also have far more rights, privileges, and entitlements. This is why they go to great lengths to try to move to Europe. However, the resolution makes wild unsubstantiated conspiratorial claims of Africans in Europe being oppressed, mistreated, and targeted for crimes. Racebaiting to put it bluntly. The resolution calls for Africans in Europe to disproportionately benefit from Government spending. “People of
Siege of Jadotville – Congo – 1961

Siege of Jadotville – Congo – 1961

Siege of Jadotville, Congo, 1961, where 155 Irish soldiers fought bravely against a force of over 3,000 Katangese made up of black Baluba warriors as well as French, Belgian and Rhodesian mercenaries. This video is dedicated to those Irish soldiers.

What Price Atheism? Genocidal UNHCR decides where refugees are “resettled”, sends Muslims to UK and Christian Syrians to Germany and Sweden!

In what some would call karma or payback for UK's anti Christian, anti Catholic policies and attitudes, going back centuries, the supremacist UNHCR, who decides on behalf of Western nations where refugees are sent, sends Muslims to UK but sends Christian refugees to Germany or Sweden. This is also where the refugees prefer to go, further underscoring the pick and choose lottery win, that the refugee system has become. The word used is "resettlement" which indicates it is permanent with no intention that these refugees will ever be asked to return to their countries of origin. Indeed, "resettling ONE refugee plus FIFTEEN family members makes it clear they are permanently relocating people en masse! This is warfare! This is blatant kidnapping of desperate people to use be used as consumer fodder by oligarchs and multinationals and voter fraud by the occupation governments in the West. As EuroWars reported

Ireland grudgingly recieves 13 Billion windfall tax from Apple. What will it be spent on? Migrants? Refugees? Gay Rights? Abortion?

While Ireland struggles under massive problems in public housing, health, unemployment and other basic sectors, one can only wonder if an extra 13.1 Billion Euros will help alleviate the problems or will it also go astray and be used by the left wing Irish Government to further its Marxist policies and invasion of Ireland by 3rd worlders? Proving Ireland's total lack of actual independence, Apple has finally been forced to pay, and Ireland has been forced to take, the 13.1 Billion Euros it owes Ireland in back taxes by the European Union. Apple which has more than $250 Billion in cash, more than most countries, just sitting stashed in offshore accounts, could easily feed all the starving in the world yet they spend so much time and money virtue signalling about how noble and moral and "cool" they are... cool does not feed the hungry. As a result European Union antitrust regulators plan to drop legal action against Ireland after iPhone maker Apple paid the country €
Ben Scallan speaks at Irexit Protest against UN Migration Pact

Ben Scallan speaks at Irexit Protest against UN Migration Pact

Irexit Freedom to Prosper member, Ben Scallan, addresses attendees at UN Migration Pact Protest outside Dáil Éireann on Thursday the 6th December 2018. Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Website:
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