Islamic terrorists42 Videos


359 Christian Martyrs Murdered by Islam, Insulted & Called “Easter Worshippers” By MSM & Politicians

CCTV footage has energed of one of the suicide bombers at Katuwapitiya Church. Islamic State has said it was responsible for the attacks, which targeted churches and high-end hotels, although it has not provided direct evidence of its involvement. Prominent US Democrats deliberately avoided using the word “Christian” when condemning bombings of churches and hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday as part of a policy to undermine Christian faith in the US. The eight bomb attacks in Sri Lanka, which killed 359 people on Easter Sunday, sparked worldwide condemnation. But the way some US politicians expressed their condolences sparked a major outcry among conservative Americans. Former President Barack Obama and the former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, were blasted for using the term “Easter worshipers” instead of “Christians” when referring to the victims of the attacks. [embed][embed] Particular ire was spark

Where are FemiNazis when Muslims Stone Women to Death for Literally Nothing?

Where are the FemiNazis when Muslims Stone Women to death for Literally nothing - What are you opening your heart to? Sharia patrols are employed to keep women under control more than to keep "law and order". If a women is caught not wearing her headscarf or walking in public without a males permission or escort they will be severely physically punished. Muslim women as well as western women have a non-Life under Islam - How Islam Oppresses Women In All Spheres of Life... [embed][/embed] Islam tells Muslims how to live, to eat, to get in a shower, how to get out a shower, how to read, how to go to bed, even how to go to the toilet... It also tells them how to control and manage women - in fact a women is only mentioned once in the Koran and that is Mary, Jesus' mother... The more you educate yourself about Islam the more you learn it gives you no choice but to resist it... The entire political establishment, biased media and left wing

The West Are Also Islam’s Useful Idiots: Iranian Who Fled Iran Says UK Becoming As Bad As Iran! 

The West Are Useful Idiots For Muslims: Iranian who Fled Iran, Says UK is Becoming What He Fled From in Iran - Totalitarian Islam Just like the Yasidi girl who fled Germany back to Iraq because her ISIS abuser had followed her to Germany, Elvis, who fled Iran to UK, feels like he is more in danger in UK than he was in the Islamic state if Iran! Allah was always on the side of whatever Mohammed did, giving him licence for lechery, or was it Mohammed using Allah as an excuse and justification for his evil? [embed][/embed] Apart from his child bride, Mohammed gave himself licence to have sex with anyone, even his daughter in law. His proclivity to killing women seems to be almost an execution of witnesses or victims... When a middle aged women wrote something not flattering about him, he ordered her to be killed. She was tied between two camels and torn limb from limb... Another women, Bint Marwahn was an educated Medina tribal leader, wh

Secret Islamification of United Nations led to Invasion of the West and UN Migration Pact! 

The United Nations has been infiltrated by Muslims through the OIC and they now hold many top positions. How can you trust an organisation like UN who puts Saudi Arabia in charge of the Human Rights Commission despite it and Islam's horrific human rights record. The UN has even enshrined "The Duties" that women have to perform to cater for Islamic law. Where are the feminazis? [embed][/embed] This week Ireland was signed over to UN. Refugees Welcome makes Islamification of the West inevitable and unstoppable. Is The Irish Government Making you Deny God for Islam yet Muslims Pray 5 Times a day for the Death of the majority of the World? We are all beginning to learn islamic words as the infiltrate and assimilate us - they have done this many times before, only this time they are actually being invited in and welcomed! Unless that changes it is a foregone conclusion that Islam will take over the West. Taqqiyah commands them to lie and m

Will A Post UN Migration Pact Irish Province of EU Be A Globalist Hellhole or Utopian Fantasy? 

What will a post UN Migration Pact Irish Province of The EU look like? Globalist Hellhole or Utopian Fantasy? The delusion that Ireland is in any way independent or sovereign is very quickly being evaporated, as the world supremacists pivot and come out openly with their imperialist globalist ambitions for a One World Government. Despite ample evidence of countries that have already been "liberalised" or conquered by left wing globalism, that have become hellholes for its own citizens or indigenous people, Western nations like Ireland are still running at full pace into this Orwellian nightmare. Just like some Jews believed the stories that they were going to holiday camps when they got on the trains, or the 1820 Settlers were told about cheap land in the Cape Colony which was actually using them as a buffer between the Colony and marauding African tribes, or like South Africans who were told there would be "checks and balances" to secure their civilisation if they

French Leader, Moron, Commences Islamisation of France – Underestimates Islamic Supremacism

According to a leaked document Macron plans the total Islamization of France. France voted for it’s own destruction when European Union puppet Emmanuel Macron was victorious by a large margin over French nationalist Marine Le Pen. Leaked emails contain information that shows he is planning on proposing initiatives that will lead to the islamization of France and Europe, something which was specifically and verifiably warned about since 1958. The article titled “Paris will be destroyed from within”: by Billy Meier, 1981, will explain it. [embed][/embed] The EU dictatorship was also foretold in 1958 and you can now expect radical Islam to flood through Europe… and many other places. See also: “America Will Be Wrecked”, pertaining to what’s coming to the US around and after 2020. For those expressing scepticism about this, here is more information. The exact email is called “Fwd: Notes à date (1) : REGALIEN”, sent by que

#GetAngry Irish Regime Giving Migrants Privileged Status While Oppressing Real Irish!

The Irish State is becoming more Anti Semitic and Anti Irish, yet falls over itself to ingratiate itself with migrants and non irish and give them privileged status with free everything! Once the "new Irish" have used up all of the resources in Ireland and turned it into a replica of their home countries, they can go back home, the indigenous irish have nowhere to run to and have every right to be put first in their own indigenous homeland. The Irish Primary Principals' Network has said 27% of primary schools have children in their school that are homeless. [embed][/embed] According to a recent survey carried out by the IPPN, homelessness can often impact on children’s school attendance and result in reduced participation in school life and learning. IPPN CEO, Pairic Clerkin, said schools can often be a safe haven for children experiencing homelessness. Mr Clerkin said: "The homeless issue is one in that we have 27% of our schools wi

Losing A Child Is Worst Red Pill! UK Gov Hiding Islamic Attacks and Putting Attackers Rights First! 

"Losing Your Child Is The Worst Red Pill Ever!" UK Gov Hiding Islamic Attacks and Putting The Impact On Attackers and Their Rights Above Those of The Victim's! Tracy Blackwell's son Josh was mowed down by a Pakistani Muslim in a black Audi mounting the pavement and not braking or swerving, murdering 3 of the kids who were on their way to a 16th birthday party. Thanks to Tracy's strong will and courage and dedication to her son's memory, it has subsequently come to light that there is a deliberate program or regime by the establishment politicians, civil authority and mainstream media of burying and hiding anything that will impact negatively on Islam and Muslims! Even court officials who lie under oath to hide the truth! [embed][/embed] Exposing a sinister state-backed underhand cover-up and influence network is foreboding enough, yet the real conspiracy is the blind eye turned by the Western establishment, institutions and mainstream me

Why Did World’s Biggest Superpower NOT sign UN Migration Pact? UN Using Migrants as Cannon Fodder

The U.N. has a history of powergrabs, more recently it tried to grab control of the internet! Now it is virtually loading Migrants Into cannons and firing them off to all stupid conquered nations, to destroy their identity and break down their civil society. The UN Migration Pact is a Red Line that has been crossed! Are you With Us, Against Globalist Supremacists or are you a Traitor against us? [embed][/embed] Please like, share and subscribe. Also do consider donating to our efforts: We look in detail at the reasons the United States did not sign the globalist United Nations Compact on Migration. We also look at why the United Nations should be charged with Genocide! We forgot! The Secretary General of The UN ended the UN Migration Pact adoption conference by saying borders are just lines on a map, and that this compact will help reduce the profound inequities of the lottery of birth. Did we forget tha

Muslim Grooming Gangs Not Just For Rape! Naive People Groomed For Illicit Trafficking Businesses!

Muslim grooming gangs are not just for raping innocent European girls and children, but appears this methodology is being employed by Muslims to groom young men and women for illicit business practices. There is an entire underground ecosystem in existence, all aimed at profiteering from, perverting end eventually conquering our nation. All of this is being facilitated by the Establishment! "Muslims are running rings around us" "She's Going To Need Grooming" "We've been doing this for ten or twenty years, so what did you think we were gonna do?" Allastriona interviews a victim who explains how Muslims are facilitated to abuse our system by the islamic apologist establishment to profit, traffic humans, etc, infiltrate, subvert and take over. [embed][/embed] The methods employed by muslim rape gangs are also being used to coerce naive people, to do their bidding, through ignorance or fear, be it legal or not, by their abusers

Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia Declare War on Islam and its Trojan Horses, The UN and EU

The Nations of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia have openly declared war on Islam and its Trojan Horses, The UN and European Union. The UN has been hijacked and subverted by Islam and its various organisations and have become a Trojan Horse to spread Islam. Money from Oil is used to spread this totalitarian doctrine to Western nations and buy influence and bribe locals. Will the Second Islamic War in Europe be the THIRD World War Started by Germany thanks to Herr Merkel - how was she ever re-elected? Germans will need to do some deep soul searching... [embed][/embed] The Police are incapable, unequipped and too scared of dealing with these issues. All are too scared of being labelled as a racist even if it has nothing to do with racism. Meanwhile the EU regime is too busy with secret deals to deal with the problems their virtue signalling has created. They are busy sucking up to every and all depravity, diversion and perve

Globalism Enables Islamic Toxic Masculinity and Misogyny Which Allows Rape And Ownership Of Women

Despite the First and Second Islamic invasions, Europe, or at least its traitorous bribed and blackmailed politicians and elites, are welcoming in an ideology which contradicts everything Europe stands for and has built over the millennia! However some are getting a cold hard dose of reality like in Finland where the migrant grooming gang scandal that shook Finland in late 2018 appears to have escalated, earning stern condemnation from Finnish President Sauli Niinistö and Prime Minister Juha Sipilä and triggering renewed calls to strip dual citizen sex criminals of Finnish citizenship. [embed][/embed] Police in Oulu, northern Finland, have launched a preliminary investigation into four new cases of suspected sexual abuse of girls under the age of 15. At the same time, a similar investigation featuring migrant suspects is going on in the capital city of Helsinki, where a series of arrests have been carried out, national broadcaster Yle r

#MuslimPrivilege Islamic Attacks Have Nothing to Do With Islam According To Supremacist EU!

The traitorous establishment are pretending to be concerned by the fact that so called "islamophobia" increases after an Islamic Attack! Well duh! Having a fear of islam is a self defense mechanism one develops when exposed to the truth about Islam... A phobia is an irrational fear - fear of Islam is not irrational... It is not like Muslims are being gang raped or blown up or assimilated... A United Ireland inside EU is not an independent Ireland and is just a joke. Giving the six counties to EU is not a United Ireland, it is imperialism and empire... Please do consider making a donation, once off or regularly per month via: Patreon: Paypal: To the EU and traitorous national leaders, the means is irrelevant, all that matters is the end goal, the destruction of the nation states through enforced racemixing and religious mixing and cultural mixing and mixi

Palestinian Muslim Says Rape is Not A Crime, Yet Still The Left Puts Islam Above All Others

Islam says "Smile while in your heart you know Christians and Jews are your enemies". People keep quiet because are afraid of Islam and afraid of being accused of racism which is a big hole they will fall into, which is exacerbated by the violent rhetoric of Islam. Islam has even hijacked and captured Hyde Park corner effectively preventing the freedom of speech that it is famous for... So there are many marriages that are not in the system in UK, but are official for Muslims, so there is no telling what happens. So a man can have 4 wives yet each women gets single mother welfare / allowance. Muslim women have to pay 300 pounds for a divorce. A man just has to say the word divorce three times! [embed][/embed] A man can remarry a women, but before a women can re-marry the same man, she first has to sleep with another man, but if that other man refuses to divorce her again, the first man loses out. Marriages can last even a few

Is Iran Europe’s Future? Islamo-Socialism Started The Deadly Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979!

Is Iran Europe's Future? - We ask an ex-Iranian ("Elvis"), who fled Iran to UK via Turkey after the Islamic Revolution, how Left Wing Socialists helped the Totalitarian Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979 and who were then subsequently executed by the Islamic leader Khomeini that they helped! Islamic Socialism is a deadly cocktail of socialism and islam - both Totalitarian genocidal ideologies - and we see it appearing in Europe where the far left is joining up with and aggressively defending Islam even as it commits vile violent crimes. Islam offers The Left the perfect totalitarian tool for complete domination and control... The Left is the Hammer and Islam is the Sickle... [embed][/embed] Prior to the Islamic revolution in Iran most universities were full of communist and socialist clubs... much like our Western universities are today... It was in fact the left wing, communists and even muslim communists who helped bring about the Is
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