Independence85 Videos

“End Neo Liberalism” Clare Daly MEP says BRexit not about “Crazy Brits” But About Failed Neo Liberalism, Yet She Supports Mass Immigration?

“End Neo Liberalism” Clare Daly MEP says BRexit not about “Crazy Brits” But About Failed Neo Liberalism, Yet She Supports Mass Immigration?

MEP Clare Daly seems to have accepted BRexit and used a BRexit debate to rather target neoliberalism, the European Union and UK Establishment. Clare Daly (Ind) said that BRexit was not about the "Crazy Brits" but about the failure of neoliberal politics in the EU and highlighted the Lisbon and Nice agreements. She also blamed soaring rents, declining wages, privatisation and undermining of public services.

“Hospital Crisis Killing Patients”! Irish Public Services in Crisis While TDs and Councilors Indulge in Social Engineering and Cultural Marxism

Ireland is in for dire straits if Leo Varadkar's disastrous legacy since being Health Minister is any to go by. An A&E boss has admitted that the Hospital crisis is killing patients! Hospitals across the country continued to buckle with a whopping 13 Percent of the Irish population stuck on Hospital waiting lists. Last month 511,415 people were on the outpatient waiting lists in public hospitals that drag on for years and years. Waterford for instance seems to have become more known for its accelerated "diversity" enforcement than for its 7 year Hospital waiting list! One wonders if no one has made the connection between importing masses of 3rd Worlders with all sorts of health and other problems, and the crisis in our public services?

“I AM THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE”, But Don’t Know Ireland Does NOT Deport Any Failed Asylum Seekers – Eibhlin Byrne, Director IRPP!

At a recent public meeting by the Lismore Welcome Project to announce the selection of a group of do gooders in Lismore, to run a pilot project to host a Syrian family, already settled in a refugee camp in Lebanon, it became clear The Department of Justice is only interested in imposing the programme of Population Replacement upon the unwitting, well meaning decent people of rural Ireland and had no interest in discussing it. A smirking Minister for Population Replacement, David Stanton, refused to answer questions on ISIS and Visa Fraud in Ireland whilst his lackeys ran defense and diverted any questions. So much so that right in front of the Minister of Justice, Evelyn claimed SHE was the Department of Justice! Eibhlin Byrne is the Director of the Irish Refugee Protection Programme(IRPP) & Chairperson of Holocaust Education Trust Ireland (HETI), She is former school teacher, a former FF Councillor and then Lord Mayor of Dublin who lives in a posh enclave in

“Make Africa Part of Europe” – World Supremacist George Soros Invokes The Oldest Communist Trick: Problem, Reaction, Solution!

The EU really is in trouble. YES! After Trump, BRexit and possibly Italy cutting of the cashflow to stop the world supremacist's enforcing their socialist engineering one world government fantasies on the world, it appears they are doubling down and going for broke! George Soros has just confirmed all conspiracy theorists to be spot on! The Communist Maxim is: Create a problem, callously wait for the reaction, and then offer the solution they would not have accepted had you not created the problem...

#EUisNotEUROPE – EU Hates too many “happy white people”! Excludes Hungarian City from EU Culture Contest

The EU has essentially admitted it is NOT Europe, and does not like nor represent what is inalienably European,  but rather that they (the EU and their partner in this Crime Against Humanity, the UNHCR), are  an invading, supremacist force fighting not only to replace Europeans, and their centuries old culture, with migrants from the 3rd world, but more seriously, committing genocide and social engineering of the worst kind, by attempting to racemix Europeans into a obedient population of racemixed consumers, on the orders of their donors, big business and Oligarchs. Disguising what is essentially enforced dysgenics and population control as something "progressive" and modern.   A Hungarian city’s bid to become the European Union’s next “Capital of Culture” was rejected by anti white EU officials because its video entry showed too many smiling, dancing, white Christians, the city’s Mayor revealed.
10 Best Irish Phrases – Useful & Practical

10 Best Irish Phrases – Useful & Practical

Learn 10 of the best phrases in Irish, easy to remember and short these great phrases can be used throughout the day and will really help you to build your confidence with this ancient and beautiful language. Slow and clear pronunciation along with subtitles to help you. If you wish to support my channel please follow this link Thank you.
10 Useful Phrases Using The Irish Verb Mothaigh – To Feel

10 Useful Phrases Using The Irish Verb Mothaigh – To Feel

In this video I will explain the Irish verb Mothaigh which is to feel and give you 10 great phrases that you could use involving this verb. This is a regular and useful verb that could be used more instead of using the verb Bí so much. I will go through the past, present and future tenses with slow and clear pronunciation along with subtitles to help you. If you wish to support me by PayPal and make a donation to my channel please do so by following this link If you want to buy the Collins Irish Verbs book please do so here
20 Job Titles In Irish – Learn Irish Words

20 Job Titles In Irish – Learn Irish Words

In this video I will explain how to pronounce 20 different professions in the Irish language using pictures and photos to help you. Slow and clear pronunciation along with subtitles to help the learning. You can also test yourself at the end of the video to see if you can remember all the job titles. All photos used have been properly and legally purchased for the purposes of this and other videos.
Ben Gilroy Halts The Receivers Again

Ben Gilroy Halts The Receivers Again

Ben Gilroy of People for Economic Justice stays that “You cannot have a receiver forced upon you that does not provide and act on a duty of care to you!“ This video is released under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Please do not edited the content but feel free to Redistribute. Download, Show at public […]
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