Immigration158 Videos


UN Pact Signed – Already UN Starts Dumping Hordes of “Programmed Migrants” to Ireland’s Heartlands

2018 will go down in history as the year The E.U. and U.N. took Possession of Ireland and commenced the Invasion with Programmed Refugees under the Programmed Immigration plan which is part of the Regularisation scheme - yes all very official sounding which has been planned 10 years ago already... Derek McCabe from Roscommon explains to our listeners... The plan includes legalising visa overstayers, of which 85% of visa students overstay - these directives and laws go back to 2007 and 2008 just before the crash. Ireland has no police force, just a guard service run by a British subject... [embed][/embed] The 110 lebanese refugees coming to Roscommon are undocumented an were sent by the UN. They will be given two months supply of food. The refugee crisis is a local issue and protest and voting must be done locally! Uncontrolled migration erodes public confidence, damages economies, and places those on the move in situations of intense

We The People Own The Governments Share of KBC and Banks – Councilor Tony Ward from Roscommon 

Interview With Councilor Tony Ward from Roscommon on Evictions, Banksters, Homelessness, Housing Crash and Illegal Immigration (well, he ducked that last one...). Tony Ward has been a councilor since 2004, been Mayor and is from Carrick View, Curraghboy, Co. Roscommon. He says the People actually own The Governments share of the Banks via the Governments Shareholding, but seem to have forgotten and have no say in it. The recent Roscommon Eviction is a worrying sign of 2008 repeating itself, once again we have not learnt from history. [embed][/embed] Banks won't talk to you if you are overdue or have bad debt because they can get relief by eviction and possession. They will not sit down with the people and offer a solution but would rather offer the property to a vulture fund at 20% discount. The banks are being looked after the State... Tony can be contacted on: +353879165226 [email protected] Wake up and sta

French Leader, Moron, Commences Islamisation of France – Underestimates Islamic Supremacism

According to a leaked document Macron plans the total Islamization of France. France voted for it’s own destruction when European Union puppet Emmanuel Macron was victorious by a large margin over French nationalist Marine Le Pen. Leaked emails contain information that shows he is planning on proposing initiatives that will lead to the islamization of France and Europe, something which was specifically and verifiably warned about since 1958. The article titled “Paris will be destroyed from within”: by Billy Meier, 1981, will explain it. [embed][/embed] The EU dictatorship was also foretold in 1958 and you can now expect radical Islam to flood through Europe… and many other places. See also: “America Will Be Wrecked”, pertaining to what’s coming to the US around and after 2020. For those expressing scepticism about this, here is more information. The exact email is called “Fwd: Notes à date (1) : REGALIEN”, sent by que

#GetAngry Irish Regime Giving Migrants Privileged Status While Oppressing Real Irish!

The Irish State is becoming more Anti Semitic and Anti Irish, yet falls over itself to ingratiate itself with migrants and non irish and give them privileged status with free everything! Once the "new Irish" have used up all of the resources in Ireland and turned it into a replica of their home countries, they can go back home, the indigenous irish have nowhere to run to and have every right to be put first in their own indigenous homeland. The Irish Primary Principals' Network has said 27% of primary schools have children in their school that are homeless. [embed][/embed] According to a recent survey carried out by the IPPN, homelessness can often impact on children’s school attendance and result in reduced participation in school life and learning. IPPN CEO, Pairic Clerkin, said schools can often be a safe haven for children experiencing homelessness. Mr Clerkin said: "The homeless issue is one in that we have 27% of our schools wi

Youtube Bans Stefan Molyneux’s Video “The Terrible Truth About Ireland 2040” in Ireland! Watch Here!

Youtube has banned this crucial video about the upcoming genocide in Ireland from irish viewers! Why? Did Leo Varadkar pay to have it banned? After all he did pay to have the media spin good news stories about Ireland 2040! This video is the brilliant work of youtuber Stefan Molyneux. Sadly the original video has been banned in Ireland on Stefan's account. Every person with an Irish Youtube account should share this video.

UK Gov Will Use UN Migration Pact To Class Welfare Payments To Migrants As Foreign Aid!

The treasonous UK Government has finally responded to the Petition calling for them not to sign the UN Global Migration Pact and hidden in it is a bombshell admission! Now we know why our governments have been steadily INCREASING Foreign Aid budgets! Don Murray critiques the response: [embed][/embed]   UK Government responded on 7 December 2018 with the following: The Global Compact for Migration will support global co-operation on migration without affecting the sovereignty of all countries to control their own borders. Read the response in full Uncontrolled migration erodes public confidence, damages economies, and places those on the move in situations of intense vulnerability. The UK is taking significant steps to tackle uncontrolled migration by: - Addressing the root causes of migration, through our targeted assistance for livelihoods, healthcare, education and economic development - Tackling modern slavery and organised i

Ireland in Tatters! A Critical Look At Yellow Vest’s List of Demands With Founder Glen Miller

According to Glen Miller, founder of Yellow Vests Ireland, there are 70,000 - 80,000 Refugees Housed in Ireland and 100,000 Homeless people in Ireland! ONLY 8 percent of "refugees" are real refugees - the rest are allowed to stay indefinitely, even if they commit serious crimes... Allastriona takes a critical look at the Irish Yellow Vest movement's list of demands, especially their liberal stance on mass immigration from a fear of being called racist, with Yellow Vest Ireland founder Glen Miller. Ben Gilroy, who is now in jail for contempt of court from opposing evictions, had said that he would rather be a racist than a traitor... Glen says Government has all the policy on immigration, but no policy on how to return irish citizens back to Ireland. There is also no policy on returning migrants, failed asylum seekers and criminals... In 2014 there was 16.5% poverty in Ireland and it has risen in 2016 to 25% and is certainl

Why Did World’s Biggest Superpower NOT sign UN Migration Pact? UN Using Migrants as Cannon Fodder

The U.N. has a history of powergrabs, more recently it tried to grab control of the internet! Now it is virtually loading Migrants Into cannons and firing them off to all stupid conquered nations, to destroy their identity and break down their civil society. The UN Migration Pact is a Red Line that has been crossed! Are you With Us, Against Globalist Supremacists or are you a Traitor against us? [embed][/embed] Please like, share and subscribe. Also do consider donating to our efforts: We look in detail at the reasons the United States did not sign the globalist United Nations Compact on Migration. We also look at why the United Nations should be charged with Genocide! We forgot! The Secretary General of The UN ended the UN Migration Pact adoption conference by saying borders are just lines on a map, and that this compact will help reduce the profound inequities of the lottery of birth. Did we forget tha

How Obedient Mainstream Media and Police Are Coerced Into Providing Propaganda Platform For Islam

The Irish Times appears complicit in an article they wrote in 2016, possibly at the request of muslim leaders, in that it fails to do any real investigative work and simply allows itself to be used as a propaganda platform to put Islam in a good light and not entertain any critical or even slight discretionary glance. But this is what we have gotten used to the hogtied press who even accept bribes from the government to publish "good news" stories about the governments plan to invade Ireland with Africans and Asians in their "Ireland 2040" plan! In the article, no non Muslim or member of the accused "right wing" were interviewed and certainly no "unbiased" academic or opposing viewpoint was interviewed. [embed][/embed] We decided to see what we could do despite not have any financial backing or support, unlike the well funded Irish Times... We spoke to a Christian Iranian who fled Iran after the Islamic revolution. He knows Arabic and I

Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia Declare War on Islam and its Trojan Horses, The UN and EU

The Nations of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia have openly declared war on Islam and its Trojan Horses, The UN and European Union. The UN has been hijacked and subverted by Islam and its various organisations and have become a Trojan Horse to spread Islam. Money from Oil is used to spread this totalitarian doctrine to Western nations and buy influence and bribe locals. Will the Second Islamic War in Europe be the THIRD World War Started by Germany thanks to Herr Merkel - how was she ever re-elected? Germans will need to do some deep soul searching... [embed][/embed] The Police are incapable, unequipped and too scared of dealing with these issues. All are too scared of being labelled as a racist even if it has nothing to do with racism. Meanwhile the EU regime is too busy with secret deals to deal with the problems their virtue signalling has created. They are busy sucking up to every and all depravity, diversion and perve

Cometh The Women, Cometh The Hour – Could Gemma O’Doherty Be New Renua’s New Leader?

Gemma O'Doherty who has been shaking up the system in recent months has finally had enough of the sorry state that Ireland is in, and has decided to launch herself in politics. She hosted a livestream on Youtube announcing her intention to start an anti-corruption, anti-establishment movement which attracted a thousand live viewers. During this livestream we asked Gemma what she thought of Renua and she responded favourably, going so far as to say she has a lot of time for Neil O'Mahony, the recently elected Chairman of Renua. This is significant, because whilst Renua as it is, is probably not anti establishment enough for Gemma, the recent election of Neil O'Mahony, a vocal critic of the establishment, immigration, the Health Service etc. shows the direction that Renua members want the party to go. Like Gemma, Renua is already tough on crime and corruption with Law and Order being one of their "Six Pillars". Renua are certainly looking at ways to bring the out of c

UK Owns Ireland’s Rosslare Europort, Which Bypasses UK and Connects Direct To Mainland Europe, Yet Anti BRexit Irish Government Spurns UK and Fails To Prepare Rosslare For No Deal BRexit

Ger O'Donoghue, candidate councilor for Renua in Enniscorthy Wexford, revealed during his launch speech at the Riverside Hotel, the extent to which the Irish government has neglected Rosslare Europort Harbour, which is Ireland's best direct connection to mainland Europe, bypassing the UK "land bridge" to Europe. This land bridge presents a major problem to the UK and Irish governments with the upcoming BRexit, especially in the event of a no deal BRexit. The imposition of customs at the port of Dover will create miles of backlog for trucks from Ireland heading to Europe. The Irish government under the pro EU leadership of Fine Gail's Leo Varadkar, have been constantly accused of being an EU planted caretaker in the EU plantation, are fully supported by Fianna Fail in a coalition, have taken a firm anti BRexit stance and fully supported all the EU positions, even if it means risking the implementation of a border between NI and the Republic of Ireland (Free State). V

Traitors Not Wanted Back: Kurdish Authorities In Syria Hold Thousands of Foreign ISIS Fighters, Their Wives and Children

Four years after leaving Germany to live under the Islamic State group, 19-year-old Leonora has fled the jihadists' last bastion in eastern Syria and says it's time to go home. "I was a little bit naive," she says in English, wearing a long billowing black robe, and a beige headscarf with white spots. US-backed forces are fighting the last IS jihadists in a final shred of territory in eastern Syria near the Iraqi border, causing thousands of people to flee. Just beyond the frontline village of Baghouz, Leonora and her two small children are among the thousands of men, women and children to have scrambled out this week. The young German woman says she first came to Syria aged 15, just two months after converting to Islam. "After three days, I married my German husband," she tells AFP, at a screening centre for the displaced run by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces. Leonora says she became the third wife of German jihadist Martin Lemke, after he travelled to S
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