Immigrant criminals18 Videos


EU Army is to Control and Fight Independence Minded Indigenous Europeans, Not Russia! 

The EU Army is designed to Control and Fight Independence Loving Indigenous Europeans, Not Russia or Other Countries. Clearly an EU Army will not stand a chance against Russia. #UNexit The UN and EU Plan to import 10 Million illegals Aliens a year to Europe after the UN Migration Pact is signed December 11 by Ireland an UK! The UN & EU Are Doubling Down on Their Invasion Before EU Elections in May knowing the voters will rise up! They will need to get the EU Army plans solidified before this. [embed][/embed] Ireland and Europe is in big trouble! Controlling and castigating those who resist is the Establishment's Priority as we have seen in France with the yellow jackets - 1 Police officer for every 600 of the population! Some statistics on immigration into Europe in the last few years so you have context for what the UN is planning: 78% of Europeans want their borders tightened. The people of Europe do NOT get to vote on this agree

President Trump creates new National Vetting Center for US immigrant wannabes

Today, President Donald J. Trump signed a National Security Presidential Memorandum to establish a National Vetting Center (NVC) to coordinate the efforts of departments and agencies to better identify individuals seeking to enter the country who present a threat to national security, border security, homeland security, or public safety. The NVC, which will be led by the Department of Homeland Security, will help fulfill the President’s requirement that departments and agencies improve their coordination and use of intelligence and other information in the vetting process.

Ireland Will Never Be Great Because It Disrespects and Hacks Its Constitution, Unlike USA! 

Ireland Will Never Be Great Because It Disrespects and Hacks Its Constitution Unlike USA A Constitution is meant to be a Document that stands the test of ruling regimes that come and go and their contemporary policies, outlook and ambitions with and for the country during that period of time. Clearly allowing a sitting government to come in and hack away at the Constitution like the Dail has allowed over recent years can only result in the destruction for that very nation. Indeed it can be argued that Ireland no longer deserves to be nation because its founding document no longer represents what its founding fathers had intended, in all their wisdom...   [embed][/embed] Tánaiste Simon Coveney was asked about the UN's Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration at a public meeting at the The Goat Bar & Grill in Dublin 14 on November the 27th, 2018. A member of the public asked the Táinaiste whether it w
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