Illegals19 Videos

We Might Never Know How The Notre Dame Fire Started, But We Know Who is Happy About It…

We Might Never Know How The Notre Dame Fire Started, But We Know Who is Happy About It…

An Islamic looking figure was spotted in the Notre Dame Cathedral AFTER the staff had apparently left... Sadly, to some The Notre Dame Cathedral burning is a reason to smile or laugh... A whole lot of people with Arab names are finding the historic Notre Dame ablaze very funny: Twitter user Damien Rieu posted a video showing a number of Jihad-sympathizers responding to a video of the Paris church with a “laughing” face emoji.

#ExposeThemToHarm – Irish Gov. Deliberately Using Violent Migrant Culture to Destroy Irish Culture! 

#ExposeThemToHarm Irish Government Deliberately Using Violent Migrant Culture to Destroy Indigenous Irish Culture, Families and Society Exposing the indigenous people to "economic" harm, be it Violent Crime, Rape, Welfare Fraud, Freeloading, Female Genital Mutilation, Islamic Conquest, Gay Rights, Abortion, Homelessness, Healthcare Crisis, etc. etc. it is hard to think of anyway in which the Irish regime is not destroying the fabric of Irish society... Meanwhile the governing regime and the Guardai are spending their time and our money enforcing cultural marxism on the people and policing people's thoughts - sending police to interrogate all 14 people who signed a petition against having an islamic no-go zone setup on their estate in Kilkenny! We need people who are not afraid to speak up, who are not afraid of being called names, to stand up to this treasonous oppression and invasion... In order to remain fully independent a

Under Treason May, BRexit Will Accelerate only non-EU Mass Immigration With A Muslim Home Secretary!

Our normal guest Elvis, is having issues with the pro Islam fascist police in UK for talking about his persecution under Islamic rule in Iran as a christian. He lives in fear now in the UK as Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, who is muslim and a favourite to succeed Treason May, might be what muslims in UK are waiting for, as the Koran has specific instructions for Muslims once the country they are invading, gets an islamic leader... Will immigration "control" under the current muslim Home Secretary be an opportunity to stop migrants from Eastern Europe, who are traditionally more patriotic and christian, and import only muslim migrants? As it is the UNHCR has not sent any christian refugees to UK, only muslims...
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