History54 Videos


Time to wake up South Africa!! – Slow War against whites in South Africa

A Slow War is the opposite of the Blitzkrieg. A war so slow that you hardly notice it. A war so slow that those waging it can deny that it is actually happening. Under the fog of war they hide it as “ordinary crime”. The end result is still the same as the Blitzkrieg. Total […]
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#InterNazi – Will Hitlerisation of Putin backfire and expose the InterNational Socialist’s deceit and treachery in WWI & II?

If there is one way to recognise an evil covert manipulator, it is by his signature modus operandi, and no one is better at vilifying a target in the global fake news theatre, than the International Socialist establishment "Liberal One World Order". Whilst their Hitlerisation of Trump failed, their Hitlerisation or Nazification of Putin runs the risk of backfiring and expose their deep deceit and treachery in WWII

Archaeologists Discover Ancient Sunken City in the Mediterranean

Early on July 21, 365 CE, an 8.5 magnitude earthquake shook the eastern Mediterranean, triggering a powerful tsunami. The Egyptian city of Alexandria was damaged, towns crumbled on the island of Crete, and the Roman port city of Neapolis, located on the coast of North Africa, was largely swallowed by the wave, according to historical […]

Greece Ready To Claim 270 Billion in War Reparations From Germany – The Price of Enforced Bailouts?

Greece's parliament on Wednesday began a debate on a resolution to demand the payment of German war crime reparations, an issue long disputed by Berlin. "These demands are always active. They were never set aside by Greece," parliament chairman Nikos Voutsis told reporters this week. The chamber is expected to approve later Wednesday, with cross-party support, a resolution calling on the government of Premier Alexis Tsipras "to take all the necessary diplomatic and legal steps to claim and fully satisfy all the demands of the Greek state stemming from World War I and World War II". A parliamentary committee last year determined that Germany owes Greece at least €270 billion for World War I damages and looting, atrocities and a forced loan during the Nazi occupation in World War II. Reclaiming war reparations has been a campaign pledge by Tsipras since 2015. He faces multiple electoral challenges this year, with his party trailing in polls. 'Historical responsibi

Catalan Independence Hot Potato Lands Right on EU Supremacist Merkel’s Lap in Germany!

In an interview from prison in Germany, exiled Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont has said: "I’m not a criminal".  The Catalan president in exile, Carles Puigdemont said he is “not a criminal” in the first interview since his arrest. The exiled leader reaffirmed the region’s campaign for independence, saying it’s based on democracy and non-violence.
Dublin Lockout 1913

Dublin Lockout 1913

A TG4 produced documentary on the conflict between the personalities of trade union leader Jim Larking and millionaire employer William Martin Murphy.

France Colonises Africa’s Football Talent to Win World Cup – NO African Nation Made it to the last Stages!

Ever wonder why no African Nations manage to get to the final stages of World Cup competitions? Could it be that Europe is once again indulging in colonisation and stealing Africa's best talent?   Is it any wonder African nations struggle to get their countries on a firm stable footing or to achieve on the world stage, when their citizenry are constantly being raided by high minded Europeans who groom talented citizens of African nations, with promises of wealth, fame and fortune to come to Europe for free handouts. Is it any wonder African are happy to sell their grandmother and risk their lives on a Kalergi boat across the Med with human traffickers?

Murder For These White Farmers, 20 Times The International Average

South African minority facing genocide incited by government Over a two-year time span, South African Claudine Van Wyk lost three beloved family members in a series of gruesome farm attacks in the troubled African nation. Her story is hardly unique. The horrendous violence that has become so common in South Africa is a terror that even cross-border violence or […]
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