Healthcare40 Videos


50,000 Outpatient and Medical Appointments to be Cancelled Today as Nurses Strike Goes Ahead

“Paltry and tokenistic” is how Labour’s health spokesperson Alan Kelly has described proposals by Minister for Health Simon Harris and Minister for Public Expenditure Paschal Donohoe for new talks on resolving the nurses dispute which should focus on issues relating to staffing levels and working conditions but not pay. He told Newstalk Breakfast that the offer was in fact “kind of insulting” and that be believed there would be a compromise eventually and that both sides should “sit at the table and talk.” Mr Kelly said he believed there will be compromise eventually and he asked why the Government could not come up with a solution now without putting the public through a long strike and hardship. He denied that if Labour were in Government the situation would be the same, “fiscally we didn’t have the same space, there is more elasticity now. If we were in Government we wouldn’t have gotten to this place.” The Tipperary TD said he had

Totalitarian EU: Communist Socialist Netherlands to Nationalise The Organs of ALL Dutch Citizens by Default!

All Dutch citizens are to become organ donors unless they choose not to under a new law when they start receiving letters asking them whether they want to be put on an organ donation list. Those who fail to reply twice will automatically be added, as the Netherlands passes a new donor law. On Tuesday, the Dutch Senate voted on a law that will make all citizens over the age of 18 potential organ donors unless they explicitly state their dissent. The new legislation narrowly passed in the parliament’s upper house with a 38-36 vote. The bill was already given the green light with a one-vote majority more than a year ago in the House of Representatives.

Deviant Priorities? Far Left Ireland To Implement Free Doctors Visits For Kids Long AFTER Abortions and Gay Marraige Implemented!

One would normally assume that in the so called "liberalisation" of a country as it falls under the grip of the "Liberal World Order", the free healthcare would be one of the first policy implementations. Ireland however seems to have started at the most extreme end of "liberalisation" by legalising abortion and gay marriage, long before free GP care for kids! Is this an indication of a selfish self involved population or a deviant anti conservative cultural marxist agenda? The Government’s long- planned scheme for free GP care for children aged under six is to come into effect in July after a deal was agreed with doctors’ representatives. About 270,000 children stand to benefit from the agreement between the Government and the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO). The scheme will provide for a new “cycle of care” for children with asthma. This will involve structured visits, education of children and parents, medicine and inhaler technique reviews and

“Hospital Crisis Killing Patients”! Irish Public Services in Crisis While TDs and Councilors Indulge in Social Engineering and Cultural Marxism

Ireland is in for dire straits if Leo Varadkar's disastrous legacy since being Health Minister is any to go by. An A&E boss has admitted that the Hospital crisis is killing patients! Hospitals across the country continued to buckle with a whopping 13 Percent of the Irish population stuck on Hospital waiting lists. Last month 511,415 people were on the outpatient waiting lists in public hospitals that drag on for years and years. Waterford for instance seems to have become more known for its accelerated "diversity" enforcement than for its 7 year Hospital waiting list! One wonders if no one has made the connection between importing masses of 3rd Worlders with all sorts of health and other problems, and the crisis in our public services?
You’ve got Kids 07 – How do you actually afford to have children on one income?

You’ve got Kids 07 – How do you actually afford to have children on one income?

Source: Aoife and Eina talk about how they get by on a single income with kids, the sacrifices they had to make, the advantages to doing it this way, and what they're seeing from their friends who held off on having children until they could afford a certain lifestyle.
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