Constitution47 Videos


#EurAfrica YOUR Government Has Already Agreed to Turn Europe into Africa. Hungary Has Devised Ingenious Opt Out! Video

HUNGARY SAYS NO! Refuses to sign Marrakesh Declaration that will massively increase legal immigration to the EU from the Middle East and African nations. Hungary on Wednesday refused to endorse a statement on migration adopted at a Euro-African ministerial conference in Marrakesh, the foreign minister said, calling the document “an extremely pro-migration statement that goes against Hungary’s interests”.

SOUTH AFRICA: The Naked Hypocritical Curse Of The ‘Majority Rule’

WARNING – GRAPHIC CONTENT – NOT FOR SENSITIVE VIEWERS! SOUTH AFRICA is ostensibly a country whose controllers exercise the worst kind of naked racism and discrimination in order to stay in power. South Africa is also furthermore a country with the most vindictive, cruel and racist black population on earth, who refuse to obey any […]

Falling BRICS endanger their citizens’ health, starting with Jacob Zuma.

As he launches the African Regional Centre of the New Development Bank (NDB) in Sandton on Thursday, nearly 18 months behind schedule, Jacob Zuma must have mixed feelings. Strife-riven Brazil, Russia, India and China are more risky allies than Zuma reckoned when in 2010 he accepted Beijing’s invitation to join the club. “I was poisoned […]
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