Galway19 Videos

Irexit Freedom Party Launch

Irexit Freedom Party Launch

Compilation video of Irexit Freedom Party launch in the Bonnington Hotel, Dublin on the 8th of September 2018 Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Website:

Cometh The Women, Cometh The Hour – Could Gemma O’Doherty Be New Renua’s New Leader?

Gemma O'Doherty who has been shaking up the system in recent months has finally had enough of the sorry state that Ireland is in, and has decided to launch herself in politics. She hosted a livestream on Youtube announcing her intention to start an anti-corruption, anti-establishment movement which attracted a thousand live viewers. During this livestream we asked Gemma what she thought of Renua and she responded favourably, going so far as to say she has a lot of time for Neil O'Mahony, the recently elected Chairman of Renua. This is significant, because whilst Renua as it is, is probably not anti establishment enough for Gemma, the recent election of Neil O'Mahony, a vocal critic of the establishment, immigration, the Health Service etc. shows the direction that Renua members want the party to go. Like Gemma, Renua is already tough on crime and corruption with Law and Order being one of their "Six Pillars". Renua are certainly looking at ways to bring the out of c

Ireland Last? Even Spain Wakes Up With A Populist Party: VOX Pledges to Put Spanish First and Make Spain Great Again!

Must Ireland be destroyed first before the irish wake up? It seems that the Irish and Europeans in general are so brainwashed and ensconced in their materialistic comfort zones, that the only way a patriotic populist party arises, is after the mass importation of illegal aliens by their EU proxy government. After Spain took in more than any other European nation this year, at least 13,000 Spaniards have come to their senses and joined a rally of the fledgling VOX party in Madrid last month and polls indicate that up to half a million would vote for them today!
VOX a patriotic political party that vows to “defend Spain” from immigration, independence movements and political correctness. Suddenly being called "far right" by the left wing mainstream media seems not so bad anymore... in fact it appears to be the only hope for the future of our nation states.
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