Community destabilization75 Videos

Israel ready to deport thousands to Africa, UN furious…

…but, get this: It turns out that many of the illegal alien/asylum seekers have been transported out of Israel to third countries. I had heard rumors that we are taking some of those! I just checked Wrapsnet and we did take 8 ‘refugees’ off Israel’s hands in October. (The November processing countries will be out […]

Lancaster, PA: Church World Service puts on sob story event, never mentions their federal boodle!

Church World Service, one of the nine major federal resettlement contractors***, paraded ‘refugees’ before the public in a media event designed to put-down the President (and by extension, you, who voted for him!). This isn’t pick-on-Church-World-Service week, but they seem to be conspicuously out in front leading the Open Borders political activism (along with their friends at HIAS) recently. See my previous posts, here and here (see if your church is a member of CWS demonstrating with CAIR). In Lancaster (Amish country) they put on one of many events as part of their first anniversary bash-Trump campaign to gain support for more refugee admissions (for more paying clients for them).
Locals in Oughterard: DPC system is a money making scam for those with political connections.

Locals in Oughterard: “Direct Plantation system is a money making scam for those with political connections”

Locals in Oughterard points out that the DPC system is a money making scam for those with political connections. There is no consideration for local communities and decisions are made without regard or consultation. #gript Donate today to Gript! See more at Follow our socials: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Patreon: Our Podcasts: #gript

Mormon church donates $5 million to nine federal refugee resettlement contractors

And, it sure must be a welcome donation as the federal funds that most of the nine live off of are drying up. Salt Lake City’s Temple Square Photo: For new readers see my July post where I gave a recent accounting of their funding. One resettlement contractor featured in this story, Episcopal Migration […]
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