Communism77 Videos


Is EU’s Worst Nightmare Becoming Real in Italy as Far Left and Far Right Join Talks to Form a Eurosceptic Government

United against Brussels? After months of deadlock, Italy's antagonist Eurosceptic Left and Right parties, who won the most votes, mull a coalition government! In what will surely be a double whammy blow to the supremacist European Union, Italy's anti-establishment 5-Star Movement and the anti-immigrant Lega are reportedly close to forming a coalition government. Despite lying on opposite ends of the political spectrum, both parties share Eurosceptic views.

Miscegenist E.U. Uses Hungary to Continue Bluffing and Playing for Time to Smuggle Africans and Asians into Europe.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban delivered a fiery speech to European lawmakers in Strasbourg, before they began deliberations on suspending the country’s key EU rights due to his government’s policies. Orban accused the “pro-migrant majority” of having “already made up their minds” to invoke the European Union Treaty’s Article 7 against Hungary, for its treatment of migrants and minorities, and the ruling party purported abuse of the law and suppression of media freedoms.
“Hungary will not accede to this blackmailing, Hungary will protect its borders, stop illegal migration and - if needed - we will stand up to you,” said Orban, who was re-elected with an overwhelming majority in April. Hungary is going to be condemned because the Hungarian people have decided that this country is not going to be a country of migrants.” Ca

Ireland Last? Even Spain Wakes Up With A Populist Party: VOX Pledges to Put Spanish First and Make Spain Great Again!

Must Ireland be destroyed first before the irish wake up? It seems that the Irish and Europeans in general are so brainwashed and ensconced in their materialistic comfort zones, that the only way a patriotic populist party arises, is after the mass importation of illegal aliens by their EU proxy government. After Spain took in more than any other European nation this year, at least 13,000 Spaniards have come to their senses and joined a rally of the fledgling VOX party in Madrid last month and polls indicate that up to half a million would vote for them today!
VOX a patriotic political party that vows to “defend Spain” from immigration, independence movements and political correctness. Suddenly being called "far right" by the left wing mainstream media seems not so bad anymore... in fact it appears to be the only hope for the future of our nation states.

France Colonises Africa’s Football Talent to Win World Cup – NO African Nation Made it to the last Stages!

Ever wonder why no African Nations manage to get to the final stages of World Cup competitions? Could it be that Europe is once again indulging in colonisation and stealing Africa's best talent?   Is it any wonder African nations struggle to get their countries on a firm stable footing or to achieve on the world stage, when their citizenry are constantly being raided by high minded Europeans who groom talented citizens of African nations, with promises of wealth, fame and fortune to come to Europe for free handouts. Is it any wonder African are happy to sell their grandmother and risk their lives on a Kalergi boat across the Med with human traffickers?
Traitor Left Facilitating Criminal Justice Abuse By Migrants With Their Fake “Racism” Claims

The Traitor Left Are Facilitating Criminal Justice Abuse By Migrants With Their Militant Fake “Racism” Claims

Carickmacross: In a case that has dragged on for years involving a Somalian "Asylum seeker", it is estimated that the state, i.e. taxpayers, paid over 70,000 Euros for a Barrister, Lawyer and Translator for a charge in which a mere 300 Euros fine was issued. The fact that this criminal with prior conviction in his home country, took away the life of two young men, one a pillar of Irish Society, a law student, seems to be completely ignored.
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