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UN Migration Pact To Be Compulsory! The Establishment Lies To The People To Hold On To Power! Get Out & Fight Back!

Is Physical Intervention The Only Way To Save European Nations? So, the so called "far right conspiracy", that the UN Migration Pact was not voluntary, turns out to be true! A document has been leaked showing that the Establishment is planning to make the UN Migration Pact compulsory and even countries that did not sign, will be forced to comply. Internal documents reveal that Brussels plans to incorporate the controversial UN migration pact into the EU’s legal framework “through the back door”, Austria and Hungary have warned.

Under Treason May, BRexit Will Accelerate only non-EU Mass Immigration With A Muslim Home Secretary!

Our normal guest Elvis, is having issues with the pro Islam fascist police in UK for talking about his persecution under Islamic rule in Iran as a christian. He lives in fear now in the UK as Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, who is muslim and a favourite to succeed Treason May, might be what muslims in UK are waiting for, as the Koran has specific instructions for Muslims once the country they are invading, gets an islamic leader... Will immigration "control" under the current muslim Home Secretary be an opportunity to stop migrants from Eastern Europe, who are traditionally more patriotic and christian, and import only muslim migrants? As it is the UNHCR has not sent any christian refugees to UK, only muslims...

What Price Atheism? Genocidal UNHCR decides where refugees are “resettled”, sends Muslims to UK and Christian Syrians to Germany and Sweden!

In what some would call karma or payback for UK's anti Christian, anti Catholic policies and attitudes, going back centuries, the supremacist UNHCR, who decides on behalf of Western nations where refugees are sent, sends Muslims to UK but sends Christian refugees to Germany or Sweden. This is also where the refugees prefer to go, further underscoring the pick and choose lottery win, that the refugee system has become. The word used is "resettlement" which indicates it is permanent with no intention that these refugees will ever be asked to return to their countries of origin. Indeed, "resettling ONE refugee plus FIFTEEN family members makes it clear they are permanently relocating people en masse! This is warfare! This is blatant kidnapping of desperate people to use be used as consumer fodder by oligarchs and multinationals and voter fraud by the occupation governments in the West. As EuroWars reported

Will Taxing Couples Who Choose Not to Have Kids Be an Answer To Ireland’s Demographic and Pension Time Bomb?

Multiculturalism and Mass Immigration have not only failed to solve the Pension Time Bomb in Europe, caused by Europeans choosing consumerism over family, but has exacerbated it because migrants are generally uneducated, unemployable, disease ridden and prefer to languish on the welfare system they never contributed to. Whilst Hungary is offering free homes to parents with two or more children, Europe's liberal regimes seem to doggedly pursue the policy of aborting your own children while importing migrant children, who place an even greater burden on social health and welfare.
Singapore also tried to incentivise families to have more children but that failed as the lure of consumerism is far too strong and it failed.
Another possible solution is a new proposal to tax adults who have fewer than two children which has been muted
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